Austin Energy real time usage

Anyone figure out why the ‘Opower coa elec’ consumption sensor still shows 0 kWh?

I noticed something interesting that may (or may not) be causing my issue.
The number used by the statistics entries generated by the Opower integration matches an old (disconnected for over 8 years) City of Austin Utilities account.
I am curious if the number you see is supposed to match your current service account number.


I just tried installing the integration and it wont start. The integration is giving me an error 403 forbidden when it attempts to log into the website during initialization.

Has anyone seen this behavior?

I’m seeing the same thing. Only thing that may be unusual about my setup is that I have two addresses under the same account. Previously it would at least log in but I never had it actually provide any information. But this 403 behavior is relatively new.