šŸ”¹ Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

This is not about the auto-entities card - itā€™s about layout.

hmmā€¦ regardless of the selected layout for the dashboard, Auto-entities automatically fill cards with entities in the same way to the top and bottom while increasing its size, and I need it to expand only to the down with each new entity that adds.

Could you test the case with a conventional Entities card w/o auto-entities?

in the traditional dashboard, where we have several tiles on panel not only one like here, always is aligned to the top preceding tile and new entities always come to the bottom (there is no possibility to reach the top because there are other tiles).
Either way you can see that the problem only affects view 1 of the panel, and then the entities expand in two directions ;/

As I said - please test with same page, only with Entities card instead of auto-entities.

But this isnā€™t about dashboards - you are using a Picture Elements card arenā€™t you? (I canā€™t 100% tell from the picture of the code you posted, so Iā€™m guessing here).

If my guess is correct, then wouldnā€™t this be about about how elements are placed on the Picture Elements card, choosing between relative or absolute positioning? [Apologies if Iā€™m way off here].

EDIT: it might be helpful to post your yaml in more detail.

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Done, thx i have to add fixed size.

  top: 49.5%
  left: 12.5%
  height: 94%
  width: 23%

Hi! Iā€™m trying to hide the state that is in the output of this auto-entities card (esp32_office, 2nd column). Is this possible?


My code:

type: custom:auto-entities
show_empty: false
  title: People Here
  type: entities
    - state: esp32_office

It would be even better if I could figure out how to associate sensors to a user and then display the profile photos of the people in the room :wink: Iā€™m still learningā€¦

Google for card-mod or template-entity-row

Via ā€œcustomizeā€.

I tried card-mod and that allowed me to style the card a little bit better, however I couldnā€™t figure out how to hide that column.

Thank youā€¦ I searched for how to do that and now itā€™s showing profile photos :slight_smile:

card-mod thread ā†’ 1st post ā†’ link at the bottom ā†’ post with links ā†’ link for Entities card ā†’ find ā€œhow to hide a stateā€

Does anybody know if it is possible to sort by device rather than entity_id?
I would like to see all entities belonging to the same device together but none of the sort methods I found got me to the right behaviour.

I am trying to create a simple, area based entities card:

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  title: Living Room
  show_header_toggle: false
    - area: living_room
  method: entity_id

The easiest way - use separate ā€œincludeā€ for each device.
But - you need to list all devices in this area which MAY BE cumbersome.

Wouldnā€™t sort by domain come closest to what you want ?

Unfortunately domain does not come very close because then it seems to sort by entity type (binary_sensor, switch, sensor etc.).

So each Shelly e.g. would have multiple types, so one Shelly will be listed all over the place.

I am trying to replictae the automatically populated default dashboard and create separate area dashboards.
This means that I must not add additional filters. Otherwise new devices/entities might not get added correctly.

I need to make sure that the only filter is the area.

Then try using template option:

  • list al devices
  • check if a device belongs to the area
  • for each found device - list all entities sorted by entity_id

But I have never tried to list devices. Even not sure if it is possible))

I was thinking the exact same thing, use a template, anything s possible especially with the new template extensions in Ha.

start with this:

{% for d in area_devices('Attic') %}
{% endfor %}

and see if it can be auto filled based in the filter area?
Might not be doable after all, because this template wont show, and I dont think we can add ā€˜for all Areasā€™ in the templateā€¦

I seem to recall auto-entities supports those now, but maybe only in filters and not yet sort?

Btw be sure to check out GitHub - marcelveldt/hass-area-views: Automatic Lovelace view generator for your Home Assistant Area's if you want a nice area dashboard :wink:


is there a way to get access to other attributes like area in the option section? I have access to this.entity_id but I need something like this.area.


Access to state objects supported in the template option only.

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Is it possible to use custom cards with the auto-entities?


type: custom:auto-entities
  type: custom:simple-thermostat
  state_color: true
    - entity_id: climate.*
  exclude: []

I canā€™t get it working but wondered whether it is possible.