Auto-entities Stack for Plex media-players

All is corrected now and i’ve added the invisible picture :laughing: and at the same time i have created this images folder so all is now accordingly. as seen in the picture i see a change in the frame (which is larger now) but no picture or such appears.

did a restart, cache clean and reload without result.

getting closer :wink:

do you see any errors in logs.

also, when this media_player is playing, and you enter it in the dev tools states column, what attributes do you see?

here is what i see in the states

and so far i didn’t find any errors in the logs.

uhm, ofc I cant see the whole string there, but is it also showing the token?

entity_picture: /api/media_player_proxy/media_player.plex_plex_for_ios_calltheboss?token=63303obviouslyredactedtokenhere58e040&cache=653921333c9ece05

I am really puzzled why it wouldn’t show, I can not trick it into failure here, no matter what I play, be it movies, series, or even regular music albums…

nice album btw, Bowie has one of the most enchanting voices I know…

for the fun of it, show the same through a regular media-control card, and lets see what it shows for background?

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
      title: Media control
    show_empty: false
        - domain: media_player
          state: /playing|paused|'on'/
            type: custom:hui-media-control-card

the token is there but i cut it off because of privacy.
it is the last line goes like
i’ve tried the replacement you’ve proposed with no results.

ps yep Bowie is still a phenomana :wink:

if that’s the case you should be investigating that first.

It should show the correct album art by default. In other words, if the core media-control card does not show album art, there probably is none, or an issue, and the template I wrote will never be able to show it either

:face_with_hand_over_mouth:dumb me, i have pasted the additional card seperatly in a media control card now and i can see all active players :partying_face:
as seen on this pic.

My apologies but I’m still learning all this and the best way for me to learn is to duplicate something interesting then start analysing it to figure out how it works and what I can change. I’m trying to follow your explanation, and I’ve tried reading the git page you linked to but that’s just overwhelming in length and complexity compared to just trying out a couple of things.

From what I can figure out from your comment above, I’m supposed to edit any existing dashboard in YAML mode and insert the line ‘button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named …/button_card_templates’ just after the ‘title:’ line. I also need to have placed your button_card_templates.yaml file somewhere so that I can correctly specify it in this line.

I didn’t know where to locate this file so I arbitrarily chose to create a folder called /config/www/community/button_card_templates and placed button_card_templates.yaml in there. I then edited my dashboard yaml file:

title: blah
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named  /config/www/community/button_card_templates

But trying to save it returns the error

Unable to parse YAML: YAMLException: unknown tag !<!include_dir_merge_named> (2:93) 1 | ... 2 | ... community/button_card_templates -----------------------------------------^ 3 | ... 4 | ...

My best guess is that I’m not getting the path correct but at that point nothing I try changes this error. It doesn’t help that different installations of HA have different paths, so in any sort of documentation there’s always a lot of vagueness about where to place files. I’m afraid I’ve hit a bit of a dead end here!

my advice would be to change that path.
www is really reserved for resources if some kind, and /community even more especially so reserved for HACS resources.

Personally I keep yaml config files in a separate folder under /config, as demonstrated in the post you linked too.

other than that, its just a matter of using the correct relative (using ../../dashboard/button_card_templates etc) or absolute path (using /config/dashboard/button_card_templates )

also, when referring to that www folder, you need to use /local/ instead of /www/ in that yaml path

Thanks for that. Still a bit confusing to me because you use relative paths and say things like “I keep yaml config files in a separate folder under /config” but you don’t say what that folder is. Is it “/config/config”? Or “/config/dashboard”? I appreciate that everyone likes to do things their own way and not be prescriptive to others, but sometimes being prescriptive is really helpful because for newcomers it gives them a starting point. Since I have no idea about these things, it would save me (and other newcomers) a lot of grief down the road if we simply used ‘best practice’ by following what others/anyone else is using.

If I open up the SSH terminal I see that my configuration.yaml file is in /config, therefore /config/www/ etc. That’s why I get confused with the paths you created like ../button_card_templates
because that would create a folder in the root of the drive, where /bin, /dev, /etc, /var etc. are in. That doesn’t seem correct. And paths like ../../dashboard are even more confusing. Without knowing the current folder, there’s no way to know where ../.. is.

yes, I can feel your struggle.
why nt start with the absolute paths (and figure relative out at a later time)

I did try to suggest a ‘common practice’:

meaning: dont use the /community folder for anything but HACS. Do use /www (which is referred to in yaml by /local) for images/sound files or anything else you want to ‘serve’ to HA.

For frontend/dashboard stuff, my common practice is to save those inside a /dashboard folder. and, since all folder are inside the main /config, that would be /config/dashboard.

ofc you can create subfolder there, to keep your files organized, any way you feel cfortable with. Some users still use 1 gigantic ui-lovelace.yaml file. I have mine ‘split’ over many subfolders and use the !include method all over.

It’s really all a matter of personal taste, and can be changed at any time later on, so dont worry too much, just start out. Simple. small steps.

my main advice would be to grow organically… not copy complex configs from others and start panicking if you can’t get it to work.