Automatic blinds / sunscreen control based on sun platform

Please report issues on the GitHub if they are related to my custom integration. Error 42 is Somfy related? As it makes no sense as python error. Otherwise I will need more information like the full log as is posted a few post above.

Thanks for developing this automation! Really helpful!

How do I adapt it for my needs: my roller blinds are not aligned with the window. The blinds are attached ~20 cm above the window, and they can extend ~50cm below the window.

I would like the blinds to move within some % of its range, e.g. between 90% open and 25% open, which will more or less correspond to the window height. How this can be achieved?


Hello, have you looked at the variables you can configure? I don’t think you should have any issues configuring it to your needs.

Hi @langestefan! Thanks a lot for this awesome project!

I have a question how I should interpret settings in the blueprint when my windows are not “standard”, but look like this:

There is about 20 cm from the floor to the bottom of the window and around 60 cm from the ceiling to the top of the window. Window height is about 200 cm.

Is “Cover Height” perimeter a height from the top of the window to the height of working area??

Any news regarding the tilt of venetian blinds mentioned in post #1? I am looking for a blueprint to automatize the tilting according to the angle of the sun so that I can get maximum amount of light inside but no direct sunlight

You can use my integration for that Automatic blinds / sunscreen control based on sun platform - #223 by basbrus

Correct. Your window is quite low to the ground, so you could consider the working area the floor. Since you have quite a narrow window you might also want to play around with the azimuth left and right parameters.

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Thanks for the hint, but is there really the option to adapt the slats “constantly” or lets say every 30 min or so to the sun direction (in German “Nachführen”)?

I can only find comments regarding the tilting in the last section of your integration, and there it is mentioned

“Tilted blinds will only defect from the above approach if the inside temperature is above the maximum comfort temperature. Than the slats will be positioned at 45 degrees as this is founded optimal”

That means it will tilt 45° to keep most of the sun out but also keep light in the room, and if temperature is not above threshold it will tilt like mentioned in the example graphic?

That is for the additional climate mode the normal mode calculates at each sun position change within HA what the correct position needs to be, exactly like the blueprint shared on this topic does for vertical blinds. You don’t need to use that climate mode and can when you added the additional parameters for it toggle between both modes.

The blueprint provided by the integration can also set a time limit and a minimum position delta between each change.

Edit: This basic/normal mode holds for all blind types that can be setup

Thanks, I tried to set it up for my environment for one example at it seems indeed to be the solution I am looking for. However, I my shutter modules are already installed, the Venetian bling itself will only be connected next week. So I will definitely give it a try, the setup of one test looked promising.
For the roller blind itself I could test already, but that is not the thing I was looking for, but especially the correct setting of the tilt of the blinds.

Will provide feedback. Any chance this will be integrated in HASS Core? Maybe in a less sophisticated version? I am using HASS since about 4 months and I am surprised that some very sophisticated things come out of the box and some to me seemingly simple things need blueprints, HACS integrations etc…

I got a question regarding the blueprint: I always check “Add Blueprint” but I can’t find it anywhere. Where is it stores exatly? I do geht the entities and all, but not the blueprint to change for example things you mentioned like “minimum delta of sun to adjust cover” etc.

Hi, after your post I noticed there is a bug with the import of the blueprint. This will be patched in the next release.

For now you can also manually import the blueprint by clicking on this button:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

NOTE: This blueprint only works if you’ve setup the Adaptive Cover integration and is not the same as the shared blueprint in this topic.

Got it, thanks. That was the missing part. Will test it but looks like great work.

It seems a little doubled to me that you have to specify the cover you want to automate in the service AND then again in the blueprint. Also, does the Automation created by the blueprint runs by itself? Or is it triggered every time the target changes (the calculation of the service)?

If you have set it in the integration options, you don’t need to specify it also in the blueprint. The selector in the blueprint is more in case you haven’t set it up in the integration or want to add other covers to the same automation without changing the options of the integration :wink:

The automation is triggered by each state change of your Cover Position sensor. So if the calculation ends up to have the same rounded value as before it will not trigger

What was the major change in the updated blueprint? I’m wondering if I should either only use your original or adapt your changes to the one in this topic.

Sorry I don’t think I understand the question correctly.

The one in this topic shared by Stefan and me has the logic for only vertical oriented blinds build in.

The one from my integration works only with the entities from that integration and is used to automate the cover position based on the sensor state. Therefore the added warning.

The blueprints are not the same :wink:

I completely understood they are not the same, I was just wondering if you changed the algorithm or something like that. They are very similar, the one by Stefan just has extra parameters but looks like the algorithm is the same. That’s all I was asking.

The integration is based on the same algorithm, but is extended with more features.
For example it features on top of the existing algorithm:

  • an algorithm for horizontal oriented covers like awnings
  • an algorithm for tilted blinds like venetian blinds
  • an ECO-mode which helps to heat up the house in the winter and to keep the sun out in the summer for all types of previous mentioned blinds
  • a switch to toggle between normal operation and eco mode
  • inputs for weather conditions, presence detection and indoor temperature (used only in the eco mode)
  • auto blueprint updates (although the new import function in HA makes this also a lot easier for the standalone blueprint)

Hello @basbrus , I am coming from your recommendation in the other thread regarding CCA.

I set up your integration, but do have some issues, maybe you can help:

I am using Fibaro Roller Shutter 3, if you set them to “Venetian blind”, you can adjust the tilt by setting a defined time the conversation needs for a “full tilt”. They also provide a second channel to set the tilt via a percentage then.

However, I am only able to select the cover entity in your blueprint, not sure if I should be able to select the tilting channel itself and if so, how.

Moreover, I do not get what I should set as default a maximum value. Is it the position or the tilt?

My target scenario is to close the Venetian blind completely when there is sunlight and only adapt the tilting. When sun is gone, lift the cover up again completely. Which values should I set then?

I set my Venetian blind as closed - open - closed (0% - 50% - 100%) as my blinds can tilt both inside and outside.

I don’t use fibaro devices myself so it is hard to say how they work.

Based on the source code of the integration you need to use the second cover entity from that device. That is also explained in this post I found after a quick google search:

That post also mentions a way to combine both cover entities into one that also works with the integration.

This can be done by creating a separate automation that controls the blinds vertical position based on your preferences. The integration provides a binary_sensor that tells you if the sun is in the sightline of the window that can be used to tell if the sun is gone. Than the tilting can be just controlled by the blueprint I guess