Automatic blinds / sunscreen control based on sun platform

By now I didn’t have a closer look at the blueprint, maybe it does things I’d like to have, but I need some input for understanding how to deal with things.

The sun reaches a point (azimuth/elevation/whatever) at a given time. This time can be calculated, as the sun does not move unexpectedly.

To make the movement of blinds predictable to the users, it makes sense to show the time some movement will happen to the users (and maybe even editable so one could shift it as wanted).

This also is expected to lower CPU usage. You need only a trigger at that time, instead of watching every minute (“Did the sun arrive at the point? Oh, it will be there in 5 hours? Fine, I’ll check again next minute, can’t expect it.”).

I’m searching how to get that time. You don’t calculate/use/expose that time already somewhere?

This is not really a concern. The blueprint uses the information about the sun’s position from the sun.sun entity which is already throttled by itself and are not stopped by not using the blueprint. You can look into the Sun component in HA core to see more details on how the throttling works.

The blueprints only outputs the calculated best position for your blinds, so no time or something.

The integration on the otherhand provides you with two entities with the start and end time when the sun enters and leaves the field of view of your window calculated on a 5 minute interval to reduce the amount of calculations.

Hoi @langestefan . Have you considered adding a function for an Awning? I’ve got the formula to calculate required extension (horizontal awning), just tossing up whether to add to this Repo, or to create a new Repo.

There is horizontal awning available, you can select it and it works quite good in my experience.
What’s missing from my point of view ist the roof windows that can be managed as an horizontal awning with 45° angle, but does not consider that the window is on a roof and the sun still reaches the windows and thus is “in front” even if the sun is already “behind it” based on the calculation (but in reality is still somewhere above the roof)

Sorry where is horizontal awning available? In the auto_sun_blind() calculation?

I couldn’t find it

I think @x4N70pHyLL is referring to my integration (Adaptive Cover) that does have support for horizontal awnings even under an angle.

Ok. Where can I find Adaptive Cover? It’s not listed in HACS or under default integrations…

You need to add the repo in HACS manually, but besides that it is integrated (such as updates etc) in the same way as other HACS components

Brilliant. Adaptive Cover looks like a very complete solution. Have you considered submitting it to the Default HACS Repository List.

Seems it deserves a spot there!

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It is submitted over more than 8 months ago :wink:. The backlog seems to be very long and timely perhaps due to the new updates released for HACS recently.