I think I can figure that out with visual observation.
I meant, what tools should I use to flash it?
Just solder to tha bare pins, or is there a usb tool where I can pop that in, or something totaly different.
I have some ideas in my mind, just curious of the best practice.
I found out the pin out sort of.
GPIO13 is the relay,
GPIO12 is the button,
but there is GPO00…
GPIO00 if I set it up as light, then I can turn it on-off if the valve is open, and stays on if the valve is closed (so motor is in the other position)
Thats why I though I could use this pin as an input instead of a light, so I have a feedback if the valve is closed.
But no matter pullup or not, it doesnt change its state as a binary sensor.
Could you help me out what am I missing?
Expensive … It has battery backup built in though. The only reason I have it is because my wife gets free stuff from Wayfair for reviews. She got the whole kit with 3 sensors.
Works well and pairs with ZHA with almost no problems but not so well with Z2MQTT. If any sensor gets triggered, it shuts the valve off in about 10 seconds.
Takes about 5 minutes to install although I had to trim off an ear from the mounting bracket on my installation.
I just completed this build with ESPHome. I’d never used an ESP12 before, so flashing that was a challenge. I manually wired the ESP12 up with 10k resistors as shown in the first diagram here and grounded GPIO0 to flash esphome.
Once I soldered the chip onto the valve actuator, it wouldn’t boot. I realized you still have to have RST, EN, GPIO0 pulled high (10k resistor to VCC) and GPIO15 pulled low (10k resistor to GND) for it to boot. Here’s what it looked like after i soldered everything back to the actuator.. I taped up the resistors and screwed the cover back on.
Here’s the ESPHome code i wrote to control the relay. The button also toggles the relay:
name: sprinkler-valve
board: esp01_1m
ssid: "XXXXXXXX"
password: "XXXXXXXXXXX"
# required for hidden SSID
fast_connect: true
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Sprinkler-Valve Fallback Hotspot"
password: "XXXXXXXXX"
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "XXXXXXXX"
password: "XXXXXXXX"
# Text sensors with general information.
# Expose WiFi information as sensors.
- platform: wifi_info
name: Sprinker Valve IP
name: Sprinker Valve SSID
port: 80
# Sensors with general information.
# WiFi Signal sensor.
- platform: wifi_signal
name: Sprinker Valve WiFi Signal
update_interval: 60s
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO13
id: relay
name: "Sprinkler Valve Relay"
internal: false
- platform: gpio
id: button
name: Button
internal: true
number: GPIO12
inverted: true
# Small filter, to debounce the button press.
- delayed_on: 25ms
- delayed_off: 25ms
# On release, turn of the chime.
- switch.toggle: relay
Hi Tadam, I tried to solder ans ESP8266MOD from taken from a NodeMCU, assign the GPI012 and 13 in Tasmota, the button send the trigger to Tasmota, but the relay won’t work. I don’t have an ESP12s, but from and D1 mini I can extract and ESP12F, will that work?
If anyone on this thread was using the YAML that I posted originally from March 2020 (post#7 above) – I found bugs that I squashed today. If you’re using that YAML I highly suggest you update it to look more like the YAML from my post here.
The new YAML doesn’t rely on a template switch. I think the template switch was causing the valve to change state on reboots and updates since the 2023.6.1 release of ESPHome.