Automation-attribute "finished"

Would be nice to have an attribute for verification of automation finishing. Use-case would be to use it in a new automations condition check. If “myautomation” last triggered attribute report recently time-date, but automation “finished” attribute boolean, reports “false”, trigger “myautomation” for a second run, until success.

You can do this with a state trigger.

The automation attribute current will change to: 0 when it (or all parallel instances) finishes.

Not exactly, unless I’m misunderstanding.

They don’t just want to know if it’s done, they want to know if it finished successfully. This is really a request for error handling options, like this WTH (and probably a feature request or several).

Fwiw @sjefen I don’t believe the proposed implementation would work very well. Since as tom notes, automations can have run mode parallel. So if you had an attribute like this, how would it work if 10 instances of the automation were run in parallel and 8 finished successfully but 2 didn’t? Plus do you really want the actions used to handle errors for an automation to be in a different automation? That would be really confusing IMO, I would want the logic of the automation all in one place, including any error handling.

To each their own but I prefer the linked WTH rather then a new attribute like this.

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Totally agree :+1: i had not thought about the parallell automation perspective. And would of course be best to have all the error handling in the same automation. I’m closing this feature request, as it seems like the WTH thread is up to something good :+1: