Thank you. Aside from editing the person.1, person.2 etc…
1- Is there anything I should change in your code to make it work for the Home zone?
2- Does this code notify the person that they themselves left/arrived at the Home zone? Or does it only notify about other persons (which I think is ideal)?
My message template includes the translation of the word ‘home’ in italian. So now my message is perfectly readable. I also changed the logic a bit. This will avoid empty messages when passing from zone to zone, without reaching a ‘not_home’ status
message: >-
{% set from = trigger.to_state.state %} {% set to =
trigger.to_state.state %} {% set person =
trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name %} {% if from == 'home' -%}{%
set from = 'casa' %}{%- endif %} {% if to == 'home' -%}{% set to = 'casa'
%}{%- endif %} {{person}} {%if from != 'not_home' -%}ha lasciato {{from}} {%
if to != 'not_home' -%} e {%- endif %}{%-endif %} {% if to != 'not_home' -%}
ha raggiunto {{to}} {%- endif %}
How would you specify that only person.1 receive notifications about person.2, and vice versa. I’ve tried a few things, but I’m pretty new to HA (only about two weeks) and haven’t figured out a lot yet. Thanks.
Maybe there’s an elegant way to do it, but you could used 2 automations, one for person 1 monitoring person 2 and one for person 2 monitoring person 1 and use the specific person.
#1 - device_tracker.bens_iphone is tracked to notify notify.mobile_app_brads_iphone
#2 - device_tracker.brads_iphone is tracked to notify notify.mobile_app_bens_iphone
Thanks for posting the cod above, I also added this to give a date/time stamp to the message:
{{now().strftime("%H:%M:%S on %m/%d/%y")}}
message: >
{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} {% if
trigger.to_state.state == 'not_home' %}left {{ trigger.from_state.state
}} {{now().strftime("%H:%M:%S on %m/%d/%y")}} {% endif %}{% if trigger.from_state.state == 'not_home' %}arrived at
{{ trigger.to_state.state }} {{now().strftime("%H:%M:%S on %m/%d/%y")}} {% endif %}
Sorry for this newbie question (I just discovered HA few days ago)
Where do I have to put this code?
I tried to append it in my “configuration.yaml” (after having substituted correct persons and zone IDs) and keeping correct indentation but that produce parsing errors.
I have two problems with it…
1 - Periodically I get a ‘blank’ notification…in that it has the person’s name, but nothing else…which tells me that the person is neither entering or leaving a zone, and in fact…I’m sitting in the same room with them when it happens…they haven’t been able to identify what activity they are doing that’s causing it either…so, there is that…
2 - Reading up on Templating - Home Assistant it says “Avoid using states.sensor.temperature.state , instead use states('sensor.temperature').” as this can cause errors…this specifically uses those…so, I’m wondering if anyone with more skill on this has suggestions for changes that would prevent me from getting blanks, and to use the ‘suggested’ syntax
I noticed your trigger is “not_from” and “not_to”. I’m thinking rather than using that, why not use “from” and “to” instead and use “home” and “not_home”, then it won’t trigger only on those known states (and the states you want)?