Automation Light on for Arrival - Off on door close

I’m pretty new to HA and have a few basic automations for iOS alerts but I’m having trouble finding out what I would need to do to make this happen… I want my flood lights to turn on when I arrive home but instead of a set time with a delay I was hoping I could have them turn off when my side door closes … but ideally only when the were turned on by the arrival automation.

    - action:
       - service: light.turn_on
         entity_id: light.flood_lights
         brightness: 125
      - delay: ‘00:02:30’
      - service: turn.light_off
        entity_id: light.flood_lights
    alias: Flood Lights Arrival
     - after: sunset
       condition: sun
       id: '1506878858096'
      - entity_id: device_tracker.iphone
        from: not__home
        platform: state
        to: home

Any help would be appreciated!

Give this a try to start with, your formatting is all wonky. This will give you the timed ‘off’ funtion at least.

alias: Flood Lights Arrival
  platform: state  
  entity_id: device_tracker.iphone
  from: 'not_home'
  to: 'home'
  condition: state
  entity_id: sun.sun
  state: 'below_horizon'
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.flood_lights
      brightness: 125
  - delay: '00:02:30'
  - service: turn.light_off
    entity_id: light.flood_lights

As I have no idea the name of your door sensor, I have just called it sensor.side_door. You can change the name as you need.

alias: Flood Lights Off
  platform: state  
  entity_id: sensor.side_door
  from: 'open'    # note that this may be 'on' depnding on your sensor config #
  to: 'closed'    # note that this may be 'off' depnding on your sensor config #
  service: light.turn_off
  entity_id: light.flood_lights

You could use an input_boolean as explained here.

That was for a fan, but the same principle applies. When you turn on the light through the automation, also turn on the input_boolean. Then when the light is turned off (for any reason) you turn off the input_boolean. The closing of the door however has a condition that only turns the light off if the input_boolean is on.

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Thank you I didn’t really understand when I would use an input boolean but making use of it to do this gave me a few ideas… this seems to have worked But I tried to set a delay so the input Boolean turns off in the automation but that doesn’t seem to be working… I need to stop using the automation editor because that just seems to make a mess and i end up fixing it manually anyway.

- action:
- service: light.turn_off
    entity_id: light.flood_lights
- delay: ‘00:05:00’
    service: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: input_boolean.floods_off_door

Nevermind It works without the delay and i can just turn it off with another action. Thanks again… my messed up formatting didnt help either, removed it all and started over.