Automation not running despite trigger - No Trace

As you can see in the video, the triggers on this are visibly being triggered and yet its not actually starting the automation. No Traces, and it says it last run 3 days ago.

Anyone any idea why??

Have you tried to disable and enable the automation in question?

There appears to be an issue with some automations not running that’s ongoing as far as I can see.

I have and it didn’t effect it. I put in a different trigger and tried that, still the same. Then I duplicated the automation to a new one, and suddenly both old and new work fine.

Very strange. I’ve a feeling this may have been happening intermittently for a while so I’ll leave it a few days and see if it happens again.

May be related:

I have the same problem, i can see they are triggered in Local Tuya, it will not run the automation?