Automation recovery after HA restart

I never tested that one, only the one I posted (and it works correctly on startup).

I used that version (tinkerer’s) on a few automations except I removed the “-1” multiplier since the conditions should prevent the actions from running if the time is past. No reason I can see to set the datetime into the past.

so far everything is working fine with that slight modification.

It’s a ‘little extra’ to prevent the Time Trigger from firing.

In this case, if the lock is locked prior to the Time Trigger, there’s no reason for the Time Trigger to occur. By setting the Time Trigger’s value to the past, it will never trigger, effectively disabling it.

Having said that, there’s no harm in it triggering because the code first checks if the lock is already locked and so it won’t re-lock it. However, disabling the Time Trigger prevents it from even executing that check and is a ‘little extra’ to minimize execution time.

It has one other benefit if one uses Tinkerer’s enhancement. Let’s say the Time Trigger fires at 09:10 and moments later Home Assistant restarts. If it starts at 09:11, the Time Trigger is within the enhancement’s 2-minute window and will execute the locking code. Again, it won’t actually lock anything because it first performs a check to determine the lock’s status (and it’s already locked). Setting back the Time Trigger more than 2-minute window ensures it doesn’t even get beyond the conditions in choose.

So there’s a reason for it but it’s purely a nicety to minimize execution time.

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Thanks all for the assistance on this. One thing I did noticed is that lock would still try to lock if the door itself is open (after the 30mins of course). How would I also add this condition?

"{{ is_state('binary_sensor.front_door', 'off') }}"

Use a state condition. A template is overkill.

In an effort to address at least the for: limitations I submitted an issue:

feel free to add your vote/information to the thread.

Also just to add a bit more reliability to the above workaround…

also reloading automations will cause the same effect of canceling the timed functions so that needs to be added to the trigger and conditions as well:

  - alias: Automatic Door Lock
    id: automatic_door_lock
    mode: queued
      - platform: state
        entity_id: lock.door
        to: 'unlocked'
      - platform: time
        at: input_datetime.door_lock
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - platform: event
        event_type: automation_reloaded
      condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.pause_automations
      state: 'off'
      - choose:
          - conditions: "{{ trigger.platform == 'state' }}"
              - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
                entity_id: input_datetime.door_lock
                  datetime: >
                    {{ (now() + timedelta(minutes = 30)).timestamp() | timestamp_local  }}
          - conditions: 
              - "{{ trigger.platform == 'homeassistant' or trigger.platform == 'event' }}"
              - "{{ as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states('input_datetime.door_lock')) < 120 }}"
              - "{{ is_state('lock.door', 'unlocked') }}"
              - service: lock.lock
                entity_id: lock.door
          - conditions:
              - "{{ trigger.platform == 'time' }}"
              - "{{ is_state('lock.door', 'unlocked') }}"
              - service: lock.lock
                entity_id: lock.door

seems way too complicated just to solve the problem of for: being broken.

And of course the issue was immediately closed with no discussion of possible alternatives or even recognition of the issue this behavior causes users.

I tried… :roll_eyes:

Try this custom component GitHub - PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Saver: This custom component allows you to save current state of any entity and use its data later to restore it. it did the job for me.

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