Automation to dynamically adjust Tesla charge rate based on home power usage

How to force to scan every 1 minutes? My automation works only when i press RUN.

Also are you using the blueprint, this post was just about a test. Use the blueprint and post in that thread if you need help.
BTW, when you click run it skips the trigger conditions for the automation and runs the actions regardless.
The automation is always watching for trigger conditions and onlys runs when those conditions are met.

TBH to be on the safe side I went with this (hardware controlled) - Dynamic Power Management

One downside is Tesla (or the integration) does not expose the attached neurio W2 CT measurement (RS-485) within Home Assistant.

In the past we blew the main 100A fuse (not breaker, needed to call out National Grid to replace in the UK) when the now sold Hot Tub kicked in a nightly cycle and heat + cars/battery charging and baseload…

Yes hardware controlled is better, as suggested in the blueprint post.
When I wrote this the power clamps for those had to be physically connected to the EV charger so I could not use them but now I understand there are wireless ones so maybe an option now for me.
The hardware control of that Tesla option doesn’t actually know the load on the main fuse though does it? Only what other Tesla chargers are drawing.

Yes, it knows the fuse rating and you set it to 80% less, all done within the wall connector, hope this helps