Automation to set a Variable based on tomorrows calendar


I’m using Home Assistant to schedule the nightly charging of my EV. Until now I justed flipped a switch named “DriveTomorrow” to false if I don’t need to get to work tomorrow.

Now I have the idea to get an automation to check everyday at 22:00 if there is a Calender Entry named “Homeoffice” in my calender the next day and make the decision based on that and set DriveTomorrow to either true of false.

I spend the whole night but can’t find a solution for that problem. I can’t use the calender trigger because I want to trigger it at a specific time and I also want it to trigger if there is NO such a event and set DriveTomorrow to true and charge the EV.

Every idea or workaround is welcome

I use Google Calendar and have all-day events with various sub-calendars.
Create a sub-calendar “Home Office” and that calendar will show in HA.
In that calendar you create an all-day event with whatever title you want on the desired days.

Calendar Home Office
time off-set minus 2 (as it is an all-day event, it starts at midnight, therefore 10 pm is minus 2.
whatever you want.

You didn’t share the actual entities, so make sure to change the calendar and switch/boolean/whatever as needed…

    - platform: time
      at: "22:00:00"
condition: []
  - alias: Get calendar events for tomorrow
    service: calendar.get_events
        hours: 24
        start_date_time: "{{ today_at() + timedelta(days=1) }}"
      entity_id: calendar.EXAMPLE
    response_variable: agenda
  - variables:
      homeoffice: |
        {{ agenda['calendar.EXAMPLE'].events | selectattr('summary', 'search', 'Homeoffice', true) | list | count > 0 }}
  - service: input_boolean.turn_{{ 'on' if homeoffice else 'off' }} 
      entity_id: input_boolean.drivetomorrow

this is not just working perfectly, I also love the elegance of that solution. Using a “hack” to turn_on or turn_off a boolean is something I never saw. And the calender magic itself is wonderfu.

<3 Thank you very very much