Automation triggered but does not run actions (since last update? 2022.10.4))

This sounds like one cause but it appears to me there might be more causes to similar behavior. I just realized that two out of my three sprinklers won’t turn on despite the automation being triggered. A simple restart of the home assistant solves it, all three sprinklers turn on and I do not have any remnants in the automation yaml. So still in the dark rabbit hole.

And what I found interesting is that the automation showed blue box signalling it was triggered but the “last triggered” attribute remained untouched. But, it could be related a bit to the one above described by @frozenmatt because the “last triggered” attribute was about 30mins ago, so I was successful to run the automation recently but I did touch the (turned on/off) device directly in the devices list, which could somehow intervene into the flow of the automation to make at least the timer stuck. So it still could be related to the logic of automation we simply do not observe properly (or which has remnants as in the previous case).

We can try get help from some gurus such as @tom_l ?

New thread on the same issue

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Thanks @Vahaldor. Indeed, and it’s rather odd.

For anyone wanting to visibly see what we mean because I wouldn’t quite believe it if someone explained…

Glad to see I’m not the only one! Sad to see there doesn’t appear to be an official bug fix yet. In the mean time, I setup a daily automation that stops/starts all my failing automations. The only automations I see failing are those triggered by an aqara zigbee button. This bug appears to happen after several days to a few weeks for me, so a daily reset should mostly resolve it. Hope to see an official fix soon.

Oh wow, I was already doubting my technical abilities…

I got the same issue (with a Tradfri switch and deConz running). The funny (or sad) thing is: It is only the switches ‘off short pressed’ that is not working, long press works and on works as well. And it’s only this particular trigger that is not working – the other switch in the automation works fine.

As for most others the ‘triggered’ banner appears on the trigger and even the dashboard shows that the light has been switched of for a few seconds.

I already tried to de- and reactivate the trigger/action/automation/device with no success. I even deleted the zigbee device in deConz and re-added it. Still not working…

I am really hoping to see a fix for this – if not I will have to visit my local IKEA store (and this always ends with a full cart :rofl:)

I also have the same issue. My automation for a vacuum robot is triggered but nothing is happening. Manually triggering it or reactivating the automation helps. Before I saw this thread I thought it was the robot going into sleep mode but now with you guys having all the similar problems I see that it could be the automation.

Just found this thread when searching for my issue and I believe it’s the same thing:

I have a number of automations that do not fire when triggered by a sensor (switch, schedule, …). If I clone them and save the clone, that one works just fine. I hadn’t thought to try disable/enable as described in this thread but I imagine it’s resulting in a similar fix as clone.

The only thing I can think to add that is notable is that I’m quite new to things and am still only creating these in the UI. I’m not sure if this is an issue that effects things created through yaml files… anyone know?

I think I have this same issue. Have a number of Styrbar (IKEA) buttons connected to automations. However after some time it stops working. The buttons work and and events are triggered, but the automations are not started. I have not been able to consistantly reproduce the issue, it just “randomly” stops working.

As someone suggested in the thread I have tested to set the automations to parallel, but this does not help.

Currently what I do is to have a scheduled automation that turn the malfunctioning automations on and off every 15 mins. This is of course not a solution but a hack…

Same here. I have this issue happening for month (or years?) already. Sometimes automation will not run when triggered, even manually. Same as here in this video linked above (btw, thx fort that).

Ok i’m not mad.
Guys what’s happening and why is this going since 2 years with no solution?

I also have a simple automation that should turn on the privacy mode on a camera when an alarm panel is disabled. I can see that it has been triggered but not run, both because of the lack of action (privacy mode still disabled) and by the lack of trace of the automation itselt.

The automations with the trace did run, while the others did not

I can add some info (and maybe workaround) on that:

It happens when an automation is stuck in Attribute in “Current 1”. This is reset to “Current 0” once you disable and enable the automation.

It seems to happen only to automations that have been renamed. See this one that I once renamed from “bad_musik_aus” to “Bad aus”. The original name remains somewhere deep in the system.

As a possible workaround I renamed the existing automation, deativated and copied it. The copy I named like name of the one that got stuck. Until now it works but no long time approval yet.

Good luck!

Renaming an automation only changes the friendly name. It doesn’t change the entity_id. To do that, you’d have to go into the settings for the automation and rename it there.

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Maybe that’s the issue, non corresponding friendly and entity name?

In my case it happened after an update, i don’t remember if it was a camera and/or core one.
Anyway, the automation has never been renamed or something, it just started to skip some executions

Nope, still the same. Rolled back to 2024.3.3 (from 2024.4.3) and it seems to be more stable in that regard.

I also have this issue, automation is triggered but not run.
Toggling on-off-on made it work again.
I was thinking, making new automation to toggle all automations on-off-on once a day as workaround, but i have few automations that are currently off and should not be turned on.
Would it be best to take snapshot and turn all off, then call from snapshot to on, or would there be some better way?

I had the same issue where Home Assistent lost triggers for switch devices. I am using Zigbee2MQTT. Disabling the “legacy triggers” in the Home Assistant integration settings in Zigbee2MQTT, solved my problem.
See also my more detailed post here.

Z2M is an addon, not an integration. Therefore, if I understand you correctly, it is the settings in the addon web interface as on the screenshot?

Yes, that is the setting. I was referring to the name of the tab “Home Assistant integration” in Z2M; you are right, it’s not an integration in Home Assistant itself :wink: