Yes, I did select “Reload Automations” under Server Controls after I changed the yaml file.
I believe that HA does that automatically when you change through the GUI.
Bullcrap on HA then If HA never tells me what conditions are true in the log for when it activates an automation how am I to figure out what is wrong.
It’s not worth using the HA App then. My wifes phone is currently on the kitchen table.
Google Maps says she’s at home (we share our coordinates).
But HA App says she is in the garage and has been for the last 16 minutes.
remove your conditions and call a python_script in your action section so you can use python to check conditions and be in full control of your automation.
Use the logbook.log service as one of the actions in the activating automation to establish what the conditions state is and why, or view the states section under Developer Tools to establish which condition(s) are the issue.
Do you have the YAML code for this? Error while executing automation automation.if_phone_left_at_garage. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘message’]
Logger: homeassistant.components.automation
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occured: 6:42:35 AM (1 occurences)
Last logged: 6:42:35 AM
Error while executing automation automation.if_phone_left_at_garage. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: required key not provided @ data['name']
Is my notification code malformed somehow, it does work.
- id: '1582752041728'
alias: If Phone left at garage
description: ''
- entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor_hallen_motion
platform: state
to: 'on'
- condition: or
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.max_oneplus5
state: Garaget
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.oneplus_a5000
state: Garaget
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.sm_g950f
state: Garaget
- data:
message: Mobilen är kvar i bilen
title: Mobil i bilen!
service: notify.mobile_app_oneplus_a5000
- data_template:
message: "{{ states.device_tracker.oneplus_a5000 }}"
entity_id: device_tracker.oneplus_a5000
service: logbook.log
Looking at the services tab under Developer Tools in one of my HA instances, the logbook.log service requires a name parameter (not marked with optional):
He asked for a way to write code in Python and I provided a solution If he writes the automation in AppDaemon, he can easily check with log messages what doesn^'t work.
There weren’t any… (I could have bought a solution) I would be much more OK with Home Assistant if the Documentation actually matched what the program actually does.
But all this, HA will trigger this automation on a value that isn’t really what the conditions states updated because it clearly states in HA logs that we are actually home and not in the Garage, It’s just horrible.
And no one seems bothered by the actual condition not being met.
Actually, there are several other solutions, both free and paid.
You should try some of them and see which is a better fit for you. From your community profile, it appears you’ve used Home Assistant since October 2019. Yet the word you’ve used to describe it has been “horrible” (and used much more than once). Why suffer with this “horrible” product when something else might suit you better?