it’s momentary. So the moment I release the switch it’s ‘button_1_release’. Both in the action attribute as well as the state. Dev_tools ( see below ) gives me a correct true and false so it should work…
Does the state stay at "button_1_release until you press the next button or does it change to “idle” or sonething similar after a few seconds?
And while you hold the button, is there any attribute thant changes during the time you hold the button? I could imagine that somehow an attribute changes state during the time you hold the button and triggers your automation again even though the state didn’t change. Do you get any warnings in the logs?
All the states are momentary. So the moment I long press the button it’s button_1_hold, than the state is empty. The moment I release the button it’s button_1_release.
Developer tools. The states briefly switch to ‘true’ on press or release. I actually had to make a video of my screen and play it in slow motion to capture it. It is very very momentary.
No, it’s not too short of a switch for HA to notice, the problem is in your action you turn the light on, wait one second and then it checks if the state of the button is “hold_1_release” but at this point it’s already back at an empty state.
Yeah i think you need to change the strategy. Make an input_number for value saving and make 2 automations for that to put to 1 and 0. This what i would do. But im a beginner