OK, the problem is that what you are saying does not appear to be true. Those states just don’t exist. On more searching for “hue dimmer states” I came across this thread:
Apparently there is debate amongst devs if a remote switch like the hue dimmer is stateless or not. The current implementation of the hue integration doesn’t seem to have states for the buttons at all, which is what I have been saying all along. If there were states, they should appear in the choose>condition menu of the automation builder.
The hue dimmer does have events, which is why it’s trivial to handle the buttons in a single automation, but when you try to use the choose option, the conditions only allow to “choose” based on states, which the dimmer doesn’t seem to have.
That thread makes reference to something called an “eventsensor”, maybe there are other “things”/entities/devices/objects/constructs that do indeed imbue the button presses of the hue dimmer with states that could be used instead in the automation.