It’s checking my wink motion sensor state.
If it’s on and it’s between Sunset and sunrise, the light_on command is executed and a 90 second timer is started.
After 90 seconds of no motion, the light is turned off.
I also have it set to restart timer (trigger element) if motion is detected within the 90 seconds.
If you’re eager to test it, change the sunset condition to sunrise (or exclude the entire condition) and it’ll work immediately (that’s how I tested it and set for to just 00:01:00).
Hi! Yes. It is working quite well. There is the occasional time where the light may go out (due to 5 mins of non-motion), but then takes a while to come back on with motion for some reason. As in, if the light goes out right now, motion does not immediately make it come back on. Almost like the trigger of to: off for: 5 mins was picked up, but when it went to action the turn off light the motion sensor maybe flips back to on quicker than the automation can pick it up, therefore causing the light to remain off until such time as the motion sensor reverts back to off, then to on.