Automation with Media players

Hi friends,sim

1st I’m a noob as I come from Jeedom.

I have a first issue :slight_smile:
I try to start a player (picore Player through Logistech Media server) automatically when I switch on a certain light. The goal is quite basic I think : Choosing randomly a track in a folder (or a “genre”) but my automation always start with the same track or sometimes never launch the picore player
Here is the Yaml of the Action part of my automation. There are here many things I can’t understand like Artist or “Genres” as this topic never exist in my library

service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.son_sam
media_content_id: “208”
media_content_type: album
service: media_player.shuffle_set
entity_id: media_player.son_sam
data: null
shuffle: true
title: SPA4
thumbnail: null
media_class: album
children_media_class: null
- media_content_type: Genres
media_content_id: Genres
- media_content_type: genre
media_content_id: “49”
- media_content_type: artist
media_content_id: “629”

A little help (from my friends) ?

A few threads you may want to read first as someone would have solved this. And then post there perhaps. Also you need to format your yaml

Thanks a lot.

I still cannot understand why this part of a basic media management is so complex in yaml…

I’m gonna read the thread you sent carefully. thanks again !
