Automations, from Zero to Hero

Hi everyone,

I’ll start this automation guide slow, intro concepts so that new users learn some ropes.
But… We’ll move to advanced HA concepts. If you’re an experimented user, you can jump to point 7 and below directly.
There are God-like automatoes in this forum, able to one-line a whole house. I’m not one of them, this is just hard-learned experience, full of trial/error, pumped by hope and results I was getting over time.

We’ll start from a simple “let’s kill mosquitos” to “I don’t want alarm to be triggered because a spider bungee jumping in front of a camera at 3 am”.
And we’ll end up automating the A/C system of an entire house…

1. Using both GUI and text file-based automation

Since HA evolved a lot toward a larger public, it’s no surprise that an excellent automation GUI has been included. You can do most of the job through it.
Text file-based automation will come in handy if you need very advanced automation, as the ones will see at the end.
To use both of them, add this in your configuration.yaml file:

automation ui: !include automations.yaml
automation manual: !include_dir_merge_list automations

Now in the subdirectory […]/config/automations, all your files ending with .yaml will be loaded during start time:

Now you can edit files or use the GUI, depending on the complexity of the task you want to handle.

2. We’ll need a good editor and a good debugger

    - if: "{{is_state('input_boolean.debug_flag', 'on')}}"
        - service:
            title: "{{ title }}"
            message: "{{ message }}"
        - service: system_log.write
            message: "{{ message }}"
            level: warning

That way, when you debug, you click the button in the frontend, and you get both a log in Home assistant logs and a notification on your mobile.

  • Then, in any automation, you can call your script:
- service: script.notify_and_log
    title: "Hello"
    message: "World"

or, more likely, a templated debug thing you want to see interpreted/iterated and get a result, or where it fails:

- service: script.notify_and_log
    title: "{{repeat.item}} settings updated"
    message: >
    {{ "Opened sensor: " + mapper[repeat.item][2] + "\n" + "Manual override: " + mapper[repeat.item][3] + "\n" + "HVAC mode: " + mapper[repeat.item][1] + "\n" + "A/C temp: " + mapper[repeat.item][0] }}

But more about this later, don’t worry about understanding it now.

3. The basics

Let’s start with some simple concepts you need to understand and their logic. Apart from the trigger/condition/action triad, you’ll usually find some “environmental” variables in an automation:

- id: "230000"
  alias: A/C - Pilot all A/C mode & temp
  mode: single 
  description: Set A/C mode & temp, per room, every half an hour
  • Its ID: a unique number to identify this automation. Never reuse one for another purpose, this could create weird situations.
  • Its alias: it’s “internal” (entity ID) name is actually derived from that alias and it’s the short form you’ll see in the automation list (settings->automation). Now if you need to call it yourself or pause it, here for example, it’s internal name is “automation.a_c_pilot_all_a_c_mode_temp”. You can get the exact name by clicking the three dots (burger menu) in the settings->automation area and click information and then the upper cogwheel. The field is named “entity ID”, because yes, an automation is also an entity.
  • Its mode: single, parallel, queued, restart. If triggered several time, defines if it’s only executed only, if it restarts after the previous iteration, if it’s queued or executed in parallel. Except in particular case you’ll likely identify quickly, stick to single (which is anyway the default mode if not specified)

A trigger is an event that starts the evaluation of the conditions or actions listed below.
Is it at fixed times? like 22h30? Is it every ten minutes, is it when the state of an entity is changing, etc.
There can be several triggers, and if so, any of those triggers will start the show.
This is a logical “OR” in boolean logic.


    - platform: state
            - binary_sensor.PIR1_motion_trigger
            - binary_sensor.PIR2_motion_trigger
            - binary_sensor.PIR3_motion_trigger
        to: "on"
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/30" 

This automation will start if any of the 3 PIR (passive infrared sensor) switch from any previous state to “on” or at precisely every 00 and 30 min of any hour.

Remember also that you can check if something evaluates to true for a certain amount of time before triggering, like:

    - platform: state
      entity_id: group.family_members
      from: home
      to: not_home
        minutes: 3

It’s helpful if you want to avoid stopping the airco just because someone opened a door, to close it a second later. Of if you want to wait for 3 minutes before declaring the last homie left the house.

Condition on the other hand are AND logic. Meaning all of them have to be true, except if stated otherwise. You can for a mix of OR and AND logic in conditions if you want. But by default, they have to ALL be evaluated as true to proceed to actions.

    - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.door_sensor_1_is_open
        state: "on"
    - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.door_sensor_2_is_open
        state: "on"

Here, actions described after the conditions will only be taken if both door sensors are in state opened.

ah… btw, you can simplify the above by using the short form:

  - "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_1_is_open', 'on') }}"
  - "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_2_is_open', 'on') }}"

Yep, 100% identical, but far more compact. It’s very handy as well, because, if like me, you hate remembering where to put your AND and OR logic in conditions, link them in the above form:

  - "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_1_is_open', 'on') and is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_2_is_open', 'on') }}"

and if you want door 1 or door 2 open in your condition:

  - "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_1_is_open', 'on') or is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_2_is_open', 'on') }}"

Home assistant is a big state engine. So evaluating conditions and states is fairly low intensive on CPU, whereas actions can sometimes be heavier, so don’t hesitate to use a lot of conditions.

Action baby, that’s why we’re here.
So, if you want an action to start, simple add it, like a service to turn on the light.
But say you want always to execute action A and action B only if the door is opened:

    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        hvac_mode: "off"
        entity_id: climate.ac_parent_bedroom
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.home_away_mode
      state: "on"
    - service: climate.set_preset_mode
        hvac_mode: away
          - climate.ac_parent_bedroom

No short form here, though. But the condition structure is the same as a regular condition, just included in an action. Ok so here, provided the previous conditions (door 1 or door 2 opened), we turn off the air conditioning in the parents bedroom. but… if the house is set in away mode (like you pushed a button in your interface that sets the input_boolen.home_away_mode to on), the air conditioner will be set in away mode instead.

Ok this is utterly dumb because if you leave the house, you don’t let the door open, but hey, it’s 00h31 when I wrote this example, so please be kind.

Now if you have other actions below this condition, if the condition is false, then the execution is stopped immediately and no other actions will be done. So here, no matter how many actions I have below the evaluation of the state of input_boolean.home_away_mode, of it’s off, nothing will be done after this action. But all above actions will take place.

Now if you want to only prevent one action from happening, but not the others, it’s written in this form:

  - action 1
  - action 2
  - if: "{{ now().hour not in (1,2,3) }}"
      - action 3
  - action 4
  - action 5

Here, no matter what, action 1,2,4 and 5 will happen where action 3 will only happen if the current hour is not 1, 2 or 3 so basically not between 1:00 am and 3:59 am.

(and yes, here again, you can use the short form, go figure)

4. Basic optimizations

Well, I find the short form is convenient and makes the whole thing lighter and more readable. So this is already a quick win. For further optimizations, don’t forget that if you run a lot of automations, you want them to kick in with consistency and not burden your CPU to evaluate templates every minute.

Typically :

  - if: "{{ now().minute == '1' }}"

this will be evaluated every minute, so 1440 per day, even though it’s only true if the current minute is 1.
here, prefer something like:

  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: "*"
    minutes: "1"

Which will only evaluate 24 times daily to check if the minute of any hour is 1.

Also, try to separate automation where possible. Most of time, it’s possible to write automation that does it all, but it’s not wishable for debug purposes. Now if I take the Air conditioning example, you could turn off the AC if a door opens in the room, within the same automation that sends the parameters to the Air co unit. But hey, it’s more readable and easier to debug if you separate those in two distinct automations.

Use groups. Groups can take a value, based on the state of its members.
So if I create a group “cool_people”, which contains all family members:

  name: Cool People
    - device_tracker.idevice_him
    - device_tracker.idevice_her

The group will take the status of home if anyone is home or not_home if no one is home.
How convenient.

Same goes for a PIR detector group:

  name: Outdoor PIR sensors
    - binary_sensor.sw
    - binary_sensor.nw
    - binary_sensor.south
    - binary_sensor.east
    - binary_sensor.north
    - binary_sensor.gate

Now the logic here is bit different. If any PIR triggers, the whole group will be turned to on if none of them is, it’s off.

Careful though, sometimes triggering on PIR one by one is more interesting because you want to trigger for each of them and not just for the group or even because you want to use trigger_to (we’ll speak about that later). But overall, groups are just great.

5. A Basic automation

Wild guess, let’s say you don’t like mosquitos and want to turn on a plug that has a anti-mosquito diffuser attached to it, only when it’s 21h and for 3h. That way you kill mosquitos before you sleep, but spare the liquid from being vaporized all night, not to mention you don’t breeze it yourself.

Let’s also say we have a classical Sonoff plug to turn on and off using Wifi.
The automation could look like this:

- id: "230061"
  mode: single
  alias: Home - Anti mosquitto
    - platform: time
      at: "21:00:00"
    - condition: state
      entity_id: "group.family_members"
      state: "home"
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent
    - delay:  
      hours: 3
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent

Fair, square, nothing wrong about it, and it accounts for the occupation of the house (no need to spray if nobody sleeps in this bedroom).

6. A smarter automation

Let’s improve this first automation.
Let’s now account for the outside temperature. (or maybe you have a mosquito integration with a sensor, whatever). One limitation of the previous approach is that if you restart your home assistant during this 3h delay where the automation is waiting to kick its second action, you’ll likely not turn off the plug until the next day.

- id: "230061"
  mode: single
  alias: Home - Anti mosquitto
  description: Turn on anti mosquitto in the evening
    - platform: time
      at: "21:00:00"
      id: mosquitto_plug_start
    - platform: time
      at: "23:59:00"
      id: mosquitto_plug_end
    - "{{ is_state('group.family_members','home')}}"
    - "{{ states('sensor.outdoor_temp') | float(0) > 20 }}"
    - choose:
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
              id: mosquitto_plug_start
            - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
              id: mosquitto_plug_end
            - service: switch.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent

That way, no matter when you restart your HA, no delay is involved, it’s simply turning on at 21h00 and off at 23:59. Both triggers start the automation, but the action depends on the trigger that fired.

There are other ways to do it like:

- id: "230061"
  mode: single
  alias: Home - Anti mosquitto
  description: Turn on anti mosquitto in the evening
    - platform: time
      at: "21:00:00"
    - platform: time
      at: "23:59:00"
    - "{{ is_state('group.family_members','home')}}"
    - "{{ states('sensor.outdoor_temp') | float(0) > 20 }}"
    - if: "{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') == "21:00" }}"
        - service: switch.turn_on
          entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent
        - service: switch.turn_off
          entity_id: switch.sonoff_mosquitto_parent

Now we know this automation triggers only at 21:00 or 23:59, so when we check if it’s 21:00 in the action section, if it’s not true, then it can only be 23:59, otherwise, the automation wouldn’t have triggered in the first place.

We could also use the trigger.entity_id to achieve similar logic.
As usual with HA, there are 100 different ways to tackle the same problem.

Advanced automation in a second post below (size limitation issue)


7. Advanced automation

Okay, now let’s take things to the next level:
Say, we have 3 cameras and 3 PIRs, the cameras are integrated with Home Assistant using Frigate or Blueiris. When they detect something, a motion sensor turns to on. They are all member of the group

We want to avoid false positives and trigger the big time alarm that will play a loud dog barking on your Sonos, the lights and all the circus, only if we’re fairly sure it’s not a false positives. Meaning not a spider bungee jumping in front of your camera, not a fat cat walking in front of a PIR.

What we want is a combination of at least 2 PIR or Camera being triggered independently within a timeframe of 90 seconds, which would help us identify it’s a burglar scouting your house. We want all that and more, in one automation. Yes, a full-featured security system, smarter than the one on the market, anti-false positive and all, just using automation…

We could trigger on a group change, but that would not tell us which sensor triggered and, if retriggered within a specific time, this is would be considered the same trigger, even if it’s a different member that triggered the group to on.

- id: "110020"
  alias: Alarm - Combined tiggers
  description: Combine different camera and PIR motion sensors triggers within 90s before setting off the alarm
    - platform: state
        - binary_sensor.cam1_motion_trigger
        - binary_sensor.cam2_motion_trigger
        - binary_sensor.cam3_motion_trigger
        - binary_sensor.pir1_motion_detection
        - binary_sensor.pir2_motion_detection
        - binary_sensor.pir3_motion_detection
      to: "on"
      - "{{ iif(expand('group.family_members') | map(attribute='last_changed') | select('gt', now() - timedelta(seconds=360)) | list | count > 0, true, false) }}"
      - "{{ expand('') | map(attribute='last_changed') | select('gt', now() - timedelta(seconds=90)) | list | count > 1 }}"
      - "{{ states('group.innercircle_members') == 'not_home' or (today_at('23:00') <= now() <= today_at('23:59')) or (today_at('00:00') <= now() <= today_at('08:00')) }}"

Ok STOPPP. Slow-mo please:

  • The 1st condition says: if a family member just left the house, no need to ring the alarm, he has 6 minutes to leave in front of the CAM & PIR, and nothing will happen. We list how many members of the group family_member changed within the last 360s, count the number of items that changed and if >0, condition is true, proceed. If it’s less than 6 mins, the condition will return false.
  • The 2nd one says: if at least two members (strictly superior to 1 is 2) changed within 90 seconds, then we have an issue. Ok, be careful here that the auto-reset of your PIR and CAM are resetting (hence changing a status) after more than 90s. Otherwise, a PIR triggering and returning to normal would count 2. Except… The trigger only kicks if the entity is switching to on. So when they switch to off, the automation isn’t triggered, meaning it’s not an issue. This lesson was painful for me, but remember that no condition is evaluated if the trigger doesn’t fire in the first place, which is sometimes convenient.
  • The 3rd one says that the inner circle group (family members + friends device trackers) has to be away or that it’s after 23:00 and before 8am. If it’s day and we’re not here or night and we are home.

Ok let’s resume:

    - service: notify.emergency
        title: "ALARM!"
        message: >
          {{ "3 or more sensors triggered:\n" }}
          {% for sensor in expand('') -%}
            {% if now() - sensor.last_changed < timedelta(seconds=100) -%}
              {{- " * " + state_attr(sensor.entity_id, 'friendly_name').partition(' ')[0] + "\n" -}}
            {% endif -%}
          {%- endfor %}
          priority: 1
          sound: bugle
    - service: media_player.volume_set
        entity_id: media_player.gaming_room
        volume_level: "0.7"
    - service: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.gaming_room
        media_content_type: music
        media_content_id: ""
    - if: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr('automation.combined_3_tiggers','last_triggered'), 0) | int > 600) }}"
        - service: camera.snapshot
          entity_id: camera.blueiris_cam1
            filename: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_cam1.jpg"
        - service:
            title: "Cam1"
            message: 'Alert - {{now().strftime("%H:%M %d-%m-%Y")}}'
              attachment: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_cam1.jpg"
              priority: 0
              sound: intermission
  • We want a notification and send the names of all sensors that went on for the last 100 seconds.
  • We want to set the Sonos level in the gaming room to 70%… Loud.
  • Let’s play the big bad dog sound
  • And finally, if this very automation was last run more than 10 minutes ago, we allow ourselves to snapshot one of the camera.
    and then call whatever the notification service (mine is pushover) to send yourself the picture of the cam.

8. Very advanced automation

[WARNING]: This section isn’t for beginners. You may discouraged if you have not practiced HA a lot and try to understand the next part. It may not be necessary to discourage yourself thinking “I don’t get it”. The learning curve is sometimes steep, that is normal, no need to break your head on too many new concepts at once. Bookmark it, and return to it later when you’ve bagged some experience points in HA automation.

Ready? This one will combine what we’ve learned previously with advanced templating and loops.
We’ll dissect one advanced automation, step by step, to understand the full power of HA automations & templates. This one is in charge of the Air Conditioning system. (HVAC automation)

A bit of background here. Daikin provides great hardware, below-average software & API and probably the worse remotes I have ever had. On top of that … Remotes? in 2023? Really? Naaaaa

So, I skip on the obvious: 2 other automations that calculate the proper HVAC mode and the proper HVAC temperature, per room, depending on outside temp, inside each room temp, hour of the day, day of the week. They calculate the proper value and set accordingly input_text.XXX_hvac_mode and input_number.ac_temp_XXX per room, every 15 minutes.

Also, all A/C units are listed in a group named: group.ac_splits

  name: AC splits
    - climate.ac_kitchen
    - climate.ac_library
    - climate.ac_parent_bedroom
    - climate.living_room

Now to the big bad wolf:

- id: "230000"
  alias: A/C - Pilot all A/C mode & temp
  description: Set A/C mode & temp, per room, every half an hour
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/30"
    - repeat:
        for_each: >
          {% set data = namespace(splits=[]) -%}
            {%- for climate in expand('group.ac_splits') -%}
              {% set data.splits = data.splits + [climate.entity_id] %}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {{ data.splits }}
          - variables:
              mapper: >
                { 'climate.ac_kitchen':        ["{{ states('input_number.ac_temp_kitchen_final') | float }}","{{ states('input_text.kitchen_hvac_mode')        }}", "{{ states('binary_sensor.kitchen_door_sensor_access_control_kitchen')                    }}", "{{ states("input_boolean.ac_kitchen_override") }}" ],
                  'climate.ac_library':        ["{{ states('input_number.ac_temp_library_final') | float }}","{{ states('input_text.library_hvac_mode')        }}", "{{ states('binary_sensor.library_door_sensor_window_door_is_open')                       }}", "{{ states("input_boolean.ac_library_override") }}" ],
                  'climate.living_room':       ["{{ states('input_number.ac_temp_living_final')  | float }}","{{ states('input_text.living_hvac_mode')         }}", "off", "{{ states("input_boolean.ac_living_override")  }}" ],
                  '':            ["{{ states('input_number.ac_temp_office_final')  | float }}","{{ states('input_text.office_hvac_mode')         }}", "off", "{{ states("input_boolean.ac_office_override")  }}" ]}
          - if: "{{ now().hour not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) }}"
              - service: climate.set_temperature
                  temperature: "{{ mapper[repeat.item][0] }}"
                  hvac_mode: >
                    {{ iif((mapper[repeat.item][2] == 'on' or mapper[repeat.item][3] == 'on'), 'off', mapper[repeat.item][1]) }}
                  entity_id: "{{ repeat.item }}"
              - service: system_log.write
                  message: >
                    {{ repeat.item + ' temp: ' + mapper[repeat.item][0] + ', mode: ' +  mapper[repeat.item][1] }}
                  level: warning
              - delay: "00:00:02"
    - service: script.notify_and_log
        title: "A/C settings update:"
        message: >
          | Room    | Temp | Mode, Stat, Ovrd\n
          | Kitchen | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_kitchen_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.kitchen_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.kitchen_door_sensor_access_control_kitchen') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_kitchen_override")
          + "\n| Library | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_library_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.library_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.library_door_sensor_window_door_is_open') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_library_override")
          + "\n| Parents | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_parents_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.parent_bedroom_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.parent_bedroom_door_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_parents_override")
          + "\n| Living  | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_living_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.living_hvac_mode') + ', off, ' + states('input_boolean.ac_living_override')
          + "\n| Office  | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_office_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.office_hvac_mode') + ', off, ' + states('input_boolean.ac_office_override')
          + "\n------------------------------------"}}

Let’s break the interesting parts of this big baby down:

- repeat:
    for_each: >
      {% set data = namespace(splits=[]) -%}
        {%- for climate in expand('group.ac_splits') -%}
          {% set data.splits = data.splits + [climate.entity_id] %}
        {%- endfor -%}
      {{ data.splits }}

Ok this basically list all AC splits (the units blowing hot/cold) and create a convenient list with it.
Then, we’ll iterate on this list and apply the below actions.

The repeat.item is passed to the actions below in the automation. So basically, at every loop, the repeat.item is advancing in the list data.splits and you replace the supposed entity_id or whatever target you’re working on, using repeat.item, so here, it’ll take the value, climate.ac_kitchen then climate.ac_library then climate.ac_parent_bedroom, climate.living_room,, etc.

  - variables:
      mapper: >
        { 'climate.ac_kitchen_2': ["{{ states('input_number.ac_temp_kitchen_final') | float }}","{{ states('input_text.kitchen_hvac_mode') }}", 
  - if: "{{ now().hour not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) }}"
- service: script.notify_and_log

Here, the sequence will play at each loop, so here, for each AC unit in the group we iterate upon.
We test if it’s nighttime and then do stuff. Outside of this loop, so at the end of the full cycle, is a script action that notifies me and log in HA system logs, if a input_boolean.debug is set to on.

Now at the beginning of the sequence of action, you see a variable, a giant table named mapper (I invented the name. It’s not required to be named like this), with a specific structure. The ones familiar with Python will get what it is. Let’s use a simplified version:

    '': ["{{ states('input_number.kitchen_temp') }}","{{ states('input_text.kitchen_mode') }}", "{{ states('binary_sensor.kitchen_door')}}", "{{ states("input_boolean.kitchen_override") }}" ],
    '': ["{{ states('input_number.living_temp') }}","{{ states('input_text.living_mode') }}", "{{ states('binary_sensor.living_door')}}", "{{ states("input_boolean.living_override") }}" ],

So in this table, I store the air conditioner entity name as repeat.item, then mapper[repeat.item][0] is the temperature, [1] is the mode (cool/hot), [2] is the state of the kitchen door (if it’s opened, no need to warm or cool), and the last one is an override. Another automation controls it. This other automation detects if the mode and temp differ from the ones the system calculated. If so, it means someone took over manually, using the remote. Like they turned off the unit of changed the temperature directly. You don’t want to mess with their preference, so I suspend sending orders to this A/C unit until 8Am if it happened at night or for 2h otherwise.

The target temperature and hvac modes are caculated by other automations and finally, the zwave door position detector knows if the door of the kitchen is opened or closed.

- if: "{{ now().hour not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) }}"
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        temperature: "{{ mapper[repeat.item][0] }}"
        hvac_mode: >
          {{ iif((mapper[repeat.item][2] == 'on' or mapper[repeat.item][3] == 'on'), 'off', mapper[repeat.item][1]) }}
        entity_id: "{{ repeat.item }}"
    - service: system_log.write
        message: >
          {{ repeat.item + ' temp: ' + mapper[repeat.item][0] + ', mode: ' +  mapper[repeat.item][1] }}
        level: warning
    - delay: "00:00:02"
  • If the hour is not during night (between 1:00 and 8:00), you set the proper temp & mode, otherwise, you do not. You set the temperature using the proper service by reading the mapper[repeat.item][0] from the mapper table and the mode by reading mapper[repeat.item][1]. If a door is opened or there was a manual bypass with the remote, turn the unit off.
  • Log and write what happened.
  • Then we wait for 2s, not to burst too much on the fragile Daikin API, before repeating for the next AC unit.
    - service: script.notify_and_log
        title: "A/C settings update:"
        message: >
          | Room    | Temp | Mode, Stat, Ovrd\n
          | Kitchen | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_kitchen_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.kitchen_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.kitchen_door_sensor_access_control_kitchen') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_kitchen_override")
          + "\n| Library | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_library_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.library_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.library_door_sensor_window_door_is_open') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_library_override")
          + "\n| Parents | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_parents_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.parent_bedroom_hvac_mode') + ', ' + states('binary_sensor.parent_bedroom_door_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open') + ', ' + states("input_boolean.ac_parents_override")
          + "\n| Office  | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_office_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.office_hvac_mode') + ', off, ' + states('input_boolean.ac_office_override')
          + "\n| Living  | " + states('input_number.ac_temp_living_final') + ' | ' + states('input_text.living_hvac_mode') + ', off, ' + states('input_boolean.ac_living_override')
          + "\n------------------------------------"}}

A script call notify_and_log now spits the whole status of the system in the logs and a notification.
This script only acts if the input_text.debug is on, so I don’t receive any debugging statement if it’s not.
The debug is turned on and off through a simple button press on the lovelace interface.

A better way to iterate in an array was proposed to me by @123 tara:

    - repeat:
          - hvac: climate.ac_kitchen
            temp: input_number.ac_temp_kitchen_final
            mode: input_text.kitchen_hvac_mode
          - hvac: climate.ac_library
            temp: input_number.ac_temp_library_final
            mode: input_text.library_hvac_mode
            [... YOUR LIST...]
          - if: "{{ states(repeat.item.mode) != 'off' }}"
              - service: climate.set_temperature
                  temperature: "{{ states(repeat.item.temp) }}"
                  entity_id: "{{ repeat.item.hvac }}"

9. Debugging tools

You’ll typo, create failed logic, forget the impact of one automation on another, etc.
Beyond keeping it clean (files structures, naming convention, variables, etc. ), the need of debugging will kick in. Sadly, this is not where HA excels yet. I’m sure this will progress, but in the meantime, cryptic messages will pop in the logs, explaining you… something pretty unuseful and very unclear. How to get out of this spiral?

Log your automations output
obvious but sending logs and then reviewing them with the command line using ha core logs will help.
Now you also often get more detailed output using this one than the settings->system->log.
Log early in the actions if your automation fails after, otherwise, you’ll get no traces.

Send yourself notifications
Logs are good, but getting your output on a notification can be very convenient.
Specifically, pushover is very good for that use.

In settings->automations, select the automation you want to debug and look for “traces” in the three-dot menu on the right. There is a wealth of information to be found and exploited there. Most of my successes in debugging complex automations leveraged it at some point.

Use the developer tab

  • Templates: if you write a template, it should evaluate properly in the developer->template tab. Otherwise, it just won’t in HA

  • Services: it’s so easy to just use the GUI and add parameters, look then in YAML mode to cut/paste the content. But also, you can check why a service isn’t firing by manually testing the parameters sent to it in this tab.

  • States: obvious but still useful, which entity is in what state.

10. Tips & tricks

  • Enforcing your variable types, aka “casting” and variables defaults. You’ll eventually get some errors saying you can’t compare STR and INT or something similar. To avoid this, think about the default values and typecasting. It’s essentially true for the custom templated sensors you’ll create, but has a strong repercussion on automation hygiene:
{{ states('whatever.variable') }}: classical form, but could be error-prone
{{ states('whatever.variable') | int }}: this one is set to be evaluated as an integer
{{ states('whatever.variable') | in(0) }}: this one is set to be evaluated as an integer and if in an unknown state, defaults to 0
{{ states('whatever.variable') | string | default("Nothing", true) }}: this one is set to be evaluated as a string and is set to "Nothing" if in an unknown state.
  • After a reload, head to the logs and filter through Automation: easy way of seeing if all goes according to plan. Optionally, you can set a growing counter that will increase only when an automation warning or error is detected in the logs, and graph it. If the graph is growing fast, you have an issue.

  • How {{ }} works: Those curly brackets will trigger the interpretation of whatever is inside. so if you mix strings and variables:
    “{{ state_attr(‘sensor.imeon’,‘Battery_current’) | float(0) }}”
    “{{ now().hour not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) }}”
    “{{ repeat.item + ’ temp: ’ + mapper[repeat.item][0] + ', mode: ’ + mapper[repeat.item][1] }}”

Now be careful if you improperly mix ’ and ", namely if you use only " before and after {} and inside them, it will not be interpreted and generate an error.
Rule of thumb, keep double quote exterior and simple quote inside like in the 3rd example.

  • How direct template or to the line template work
- service: climate.set_temperature
     hvac_mode: >
          {{ iif(states('A') == 'on' or states('B') == 'cool', 'off', 'on') }}


 - service: climate.set_temperature
       hvac_mode: "{{ iif(states('A') == 'on' or states('B') == 'cool', 'off', 'on') }}"

are the same. notice the " used when inline with the parameter hvac_mode in the second example, which are not need in the 1st example because of the above >

Closing word

Here we are. I probably missed points, typoed a lot and will make tons of edit, but hopefully, you’ll walk the path that took me months in weeks.

I’m sure the big shots here will find innovative or elegant ways to optimize my templates, and I’m eagerly looking for it.

Constructive comments are welcomed, don’t hesitate to add you own advanced tricks.
Good sharing, everyone.


Very nice writeup. I use the Docker install so some of the screens or ideas are not relevant or the same but it is still very useful and I suspect most new users are not going the docker route as they get their feet wet.

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Thanks @pcwii
You mean the fact you use HA in a docker environment limits the capacity to create/run automation?
For my education, what are the main differences or limitations you are facing using HA in a docker env?

There are differences for sure, I am not sure about limitations I guess that depends on your perspective.
Things I like about docker are…

  • everything I need for HA is in the container, I never have dependency issues since all the dependencies are present regardless of the host OS.
  • every “addon” I have needed I have found an additional docker container for that I run to give me that function.
  • I run watchtower which automatically updates my HA with the latest builds when they are available. Some people may be intimidated by this as I need to be aware of breaking changes and make changes as soon as I can. Since I am always running the latest build I find this more manageable than running an old build and having to deal with many surprises when I try to run the latest build.

Docker has it’s own learning curve, and I use it quite a bit with work so I am not intimidated by this. For what it’s worth I also use Portainer as I find it helpful for managing my docker compose installs. One day I will create a post about my installs.
Here are most of the compose files “stacks” I run.


oh I definitely have to look into this indeed. I use HAOS myself, on a PI dedicated to this, but indeed, if the hardware fries, I can’t relocate, where the containers approach allows you to do it at the snap of a finger.

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no, not at all.

there are only a few limitations to a non-supervised install type but none of them can’t be fairly easily overcome.

Probably the biggest one for non-techie users is the lack of add-ons. But if you can install and run HA in a Docker container you can likely figure out how to run your own equivalent containers for those add-ons anyway.

the other one is system backups but if you know Docker or a use venv then you can manage those things yourself fairly trivially too.

TBH, I can’t really think of any other important differences.

the upside of not using a supervised install type is that you have total access and control of the host OS. Which means you can use the machine to do other things along side HA and HA won’t complain about it or totally handicap your HA install because the system is “unsupported”.


Well nah. HA has specific copy and paste instructions for installing docker and then a containerised HA. You don’t really have to know anything about the innards of docker, or what to do other than copying and pasting.

OTOH getting stuff like mosquitto appdaemon esphome z2m etc going in docker is not quite so cut & paste. An addon is easier. Also Ingress is great in the addons.

I didn’t mean to imply it was just cut & paste but if you know docker well enough to get HA Container running then configuring the equivalent docker containers for the add-ons shouldn’t be too much harder.

the only container I ever really struggled with and eventually gave up on was NUT.

I ended up just installing it on the host instead (the big benefit of HA Container) and it’s been fine.

Well it is. Running ha in docker with all the addons aka containers isn’t that difficult. I really don’t understand why people think that this is something special, hard, or I don’t know what. Setting up docker security is difficult.


Is there a way to execute an action in a condition section that can affect the state values (e.g force a polling of a device for its status before evaluating that status in the condition statement)?

When you do something like:


  • “{{ states(‘whaterver.entity’) == ‘on’ }}”

The state is evaluated at the precise moment the condition is evaluated.

But if you need to trigger an action of the device, a script to refresh, etc. I don’t think it’s doable in a condition. You could use another automation to refresh at a certain rate this status, store it in a variable and instead use this variable in your automation.

Like automation A is polling, and updating a variable every 5 minutes.
Automation B is using this variable instead of the original device state in its conditions.

I was afraid of that – what I settled on was using other sensors to trigger the query so that the device status is correct when the automation runs. It was be best I could do given that the devices (two Schlage Z-Wave plus locks) don’t report when they are manually locked/unlocked.

or since you can use a condition in an action, what you could refresh the state before evaluating it before launching the action if the evaluation match your criteria.

- service: script.poll_zwavedevice_state 
- if: "{{ whatever.variable == "whatever.state" }}"
    - service: whatever.service

and the script is just updating whatever.variable when called

It turned out the easy way to do this was to have two automations.

The first automation has the trigger then polls as an action, waits a few sec, then invokes a second automation that has the conditions to check in it and the notification action.

What was the size limitation issue mentioned at the end of the first post? It appears to prevent the guide from functioning as a wiki, which is one of the points of the category.

sorry, I meant the size of the post.
It didn’t allow me to make it in just one post, I had to fragment it in 2.
There is probably a better place or way of doing it, but I’m not familiar with it.

Thanks - just that I was thinking of doing a longish guide myself and wondered if there was a max number of characters or something.

If it were possible to add to your excellent write up, I might insert a line warning against using device ids in triggers and conditions - a lot of people seem to be doing it nowadays and it’s hardly ever necessary. Just stores up trouble for the future.


absolutely right, send me a PM with your write-up of the pb/solution and I’ll add it under your name.
Anyone with good advices alike, I’ll make an appendix with your own tricks!

Sorry, wasn’t making myself clear. I am doing a write-up of something else - just wondering what the character limit is.