Automations get disabled

Any idea why sometimes my automations get all disabled? I’m not sure of it happens during a restart or when I reload them. But it happened already two times while I was working with them, making changes, reloading them etc.

I was having the same issue. I was troubleshooting an automation that was firing and then realized it was disable.

Found this in another thread… thanks @DavidFW1960


Hmm… it might have been the case, both times it happened to me. Thanks…

Now that I think about it, if this is indeed the case, I would expect some kind of visible warning in the UI should this happen. For example a notification in the notification panel, if not a permanent warning at the top.

I made a card to show my automations for a quick visual check… Since I’ve added the initial state, they’ve always been enabled.

  - entity: automation.1
  - entity: automation.2
  - entity: automation.3
  - entity: automation.4
title: Automations
type: entities