Autostart Home Assistant

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with this! Good news and bad news - the bad news is that they’ve updated the installations a bit since this post, so I think my original instructions are outdated at this point. The good news is that they’ve also updated some of the associated documentation -

Have you tried those instructions for the virtual environment install? I’ll admit that I haven’t tried to new instructions myself, but hopefully it will get you going.

Thanks anyway. I’ve concluded linux/python are too much headache to continue. Back to OpenHab2.

I’ve spent many hours looking for a solution to this, and this was THE key to it all. Thank you!

Most welcome

I will add a tip for future discovery.
Linux has something called tab completion. It works in most situations at the command line. If you type
cd /h and then the TAB key, the command interpreter will add the rest to give you /home/. Add another h and hit TAB and you will get /home/homeassistant/. Add a .h (dot h) and TAB and you will be at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/
If there are multiple possibilities for the completion, the first TAB won’t fill in anything. A second TAB will show you the possibilities. So if you had both /home/ha/ and /home/homeassistant/ directories, hitting a TAB after /home/h would initially give you nothing. A second TAB would show you the two possibilities, ha homeassistant. Since you want the homeassistant folder, adding an o to the end of your string as in /home/ho and the TAB there would no longer be ambiguity and the TAB key would give you the completed string /home/homeassistant/
This also can work in some commands. For me one of the most helpful is with systemctl. I seldom remember what a particular service is called. So typing systemctl restart h TAB will complete the string to [email protected] or whatever I named the file.
Can’t remember what command is called but do remember what it starts with. Type the first letter and TAB TAB (two TABS). All the possibilities starting with that letter are displayed. Using it a few times will make it second nature.
If memory serves this also works similarly at the command line in Windows, and since Macs are Unixy under the hood it works there too.

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