I had to do the same, I was surprised to find duplicate sensors with a “_2” suffix (I don’t always read all changelogs… ! )
It works perfectly fine after a HA restart.
You don’t have to read the changelog, but just pay attention to the version number:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Thanks, I did not know.
Can anyone tell me why my average sensor might be ‘stuck’ on the same value for days?
- platform: average
name: average outdoor temp
start: '{{ now().replace(hour=8).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
hours: 8
- sensor.terrace_table_light_am2301_temperature
Gives me this output in dev tools;
start: '2021-06-14T08:00:00+02:00'
end: '2021-06-14T10:05:16+02:00'
- sensor.terrace_table_light_am2301_temperature
count_sources: 1
available_sources: 1
count: 2
max_value: 23.9
min_value: 23.9
unit_of_measurement: °C
friendly_name: average outdoor temp
device_class: temperature
The source sensor hasn’t been below 25 today. The 23.9 has been persistent for a few days and even persists through HA restarts.
Enable debug logs. By them, most likely, you can see the reason.
Are you sure about the entity “sensor.terrace_table_light_am2301_temperature” ?
@Limych are you still maintaining this? Or does anyone else know. It looks like there hasn’t been any activity for around a month. It would be nice to have an update for the new state_class/statistics graph etc.
He did an update 2 months ago… what more do you want? He always jumps on bugs and is very responsive. Did you try a feature request on the repo? There’s also this wonderful feature called customize where you can add the class…
Which is part of the reason I sponsor their work, and find it strange that there is no activity for so relatively long.
Well of course.
Sorry guys. I do all these projects in my free time. Recently, I somehow got tired very much, plus it was necessary to complete the repairs in the apartment, plus there were difficulties in my personal life … Everything somehow overlapped so that it became a little not up to these projects.
But, yes, perhaps it’s time for me to return …
Love this custom component. Works like a charm for my plant sensors. But is there a way to change the update frequency from 20 seconds? I have a duration of 7 days on average, but I don’t need an update every 20 seconds. Only like every 15 minutes. Is it possible to change that somewhere?
hi, I have this problem, the average temperature does not aggregate with the other temperatures, I think for a unit of measurement problem. how can i solve? Thanks
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Termostato Soggiorno"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.8600225284cca8ba5b29', 'current_temperature') }}"
friendly_name: "Temperatura Esterna"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('weather.casa_giavera', 'temperature') }}"
friendly_name: "Temperatura Esterna Openw"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature') | round(1) }}"
- platform: average
name: 'temperatura media esterna'
- sensor.temp_esterna
- sensor.temp_esterna_openw
- sensor.casa_giavera_realfeel_temperature
Strange thing is, it aggregated I think until 2021.11.0, if I remember right… just wondered about today, that suddenly there were 2 graphs instead of 1.
Hello people,
Hoping you can help with this.
I started using the average sensor a while ago to calculate the average air quality over a 24h period.
At first, it seemed like it worked perfectly fine. But then I noticed that when the source sensor stabilises (value doesn’t change anymore), the average sensor doesn’t calculate this correctly.
For example, when the average value is 70 and the source sensor value is 10. I would expect the average to be going down (hard). Instead, it stays the same. It looks like the average sensor only works properly while the source sensor keeps changing values.
However, in one of the first messages in this thread, it’s said this average sensor should be able to handle that properly.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong? There are pictures of the 2 graphs in this thread:
You can see that around 0800AM, the source sensor value is close to 0 for hours, while the average stays stable around 70.
I intended to use the Average Sensor attributes to determine the Min and Max values of the current day and yesterday’s day.
However, I can’t manage to use the Min
and Max
attributes. The result is always none
. I have used the developer tool in HomeAssistant and tried different attributes. All are working, except of the min
and max
. Maybe I am overseeing something. So here is what I have done so far:
- In the
I added the following lines:
- platform: average
name: 'Average Temperature ATC1'
- sensor.ble_temperature_atc1
minutes: 10
- In the developer tools I tried some of the attributes, the result for
is alwaysNone
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'min') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'max') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'count') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'start') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'end') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'sources') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.average_temperature_atc1', 'count_sources') }}
What am I doing wrong?
Best wishes,
Hi I a trying to use average sensor.
i have add it in my HA and put this in my config.yaml :
- platform: average
name: 'moyenne prod solaire 30mn'
duration: 00:30:00
- sensor.envoy_122121066815_current_power_production
but I do not find the sensor in my sensor list!
I am doing something bad or ???
thanks you for your help
I’m sorry, but from your description I can’t tell why the sensor didn’t show up. The settings look correct. Look at your HA logs - the answer should be there.
Does anyone have a way to create a average based on the state of a different entity? A “averageIF”-sensor.
For example creating an average day/nighttime temperature, average home/away power consumption etc.