Away mode - presence simulation

That worked for me too. Thanks for the tip.


The code is no longer available.

I’m new to HA (coming from Homeseer where I have something similar to your code implemented) and would like to implement something very similar, so having something as a reference would be appreciated

Any chance of republishing again?



Grazie mile!

Sorry to ask (I’m also quite new to HA but very enthusiastic!! :sweat_smile:)

How do you integrate this script into HA? This is, how to install?

I would like to configure to my own settings as well

Thanks for your help!

Need set up packages (see ha documentation)

Cards… you need to add it as manual card

Simple like I like them. thanks for the inspiration.

FYI this has been fixed a while ago with "user input malformed" · Issue #6 · slashback100/presence_simulation · GitHub

In the case you want to use more than two modes (home/away)…

Thanks for the integration. I found it really useful.

(also added as a report to your GitHub) I think the presence simulation integration does not remove the automations it creates once it gets uninstalled. I removed the integrations, and the lights turn on and off based on the delay. I could not trace it back to other automations I have running still. I also do not see a way to remove these automations now, so my lights keep turning on and off. Is there any way to remedy this now?

Ideas for the future: Being able to choose multiple lights at once using checkboxes would greatly increase the user-friendliness

Hi. I answered you on the issue. I guess you uninstall it when the simulation was active. Just restarting HA should do the trick.

Sorry but I couldn’t find any other way/thread to reach out to you slashback.
I can’t seem to get presence simulation to work for some reason.

I have a automation set up that is triggered by the state of a switch.
In this I have multiple “call service” actions to other automations but I can’t seem to get “presence simulation: start” to work

I have added a switch.presence_simulation to lovelace as a way of trying to verify if it’s active or not (any other way to do this? Is this even reliable?) and depending on which lights I add it sometimes activates and sometimes not. I have 39 lights added as of now, could the amount of lights be a problem?

Yesterday, it would look like it was active (via lovelace) and now it won’t without any configuration change but regardless I won’t get any lights to turn on or off.

I have tried a single light as well but even if ps looks active via lovelace, it won’t turn on or off my lights.

I don’t see any changes on the lights nor changes in the history/logbook to the devices which is included in the ps setup.

I have been fiddling with this for about a week without any success.

FYI you can create an issue here Issues · slashback100/presence_simulation · GitHub
I can’t do much without the log. Please change the log level to debug, reproduce, and share the logs.

Thanks, I’ll do that when I have had time to collect some logs.

Hi there,

Thanks for your answer. I indeed uninstalled while the simulation was active, as I expected it to also remove the active simulation automations.

Unfortunately, that did not solve it. The lights are still going on/off at the same times as before, even though I also already reinstalled and removed the integration (in addition to restarting of course). Is there anything I can do to manually delete whatever automations this component created? Or where I can check what it created?

I just removed it from HACS again.

It said: “Integration is configured. The Presence Simulation integration is configured, you need to delete the configuration for it before removing it from HACS” and had a chance to either ignore or navigate.

This time I chose ignore. Last time not, so I assume it did not uninstall completely.

Now the folder is also gone from custom components. Hope this solves it.

Can you confirm that if the code is gone, there should no longer be any automations generated by the simulation that keep on running after the uninstallation? I.e. → the code generates the automations on demand, rather than through any sort of repeateted automation?

Yes, if you remove the code of the custom component and restart HA, nothing will be run by the component anymore

I have been trying to make presence simulation work, but every time I try and trigger it, I get this error:

Logger: custom_components.presence_simulation
Source: custom_components/presence_simulation/
Integration: Presence Simulation ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: June 14, 2022, 8:17:47 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:18:11 PM

Error during identifing entities, no valid entities has been found

I have tried making groups with the new groups helper, and it fails with this error. If I take the 30 or so lights and put them all on the entities list (separated by commas) during configuration, I get this error too. What is the code wanting to see? Why doesn’t it fail when I configure it but when I trigger the simulation to start?


Answer and solution given here

Tie this to an input_boolean. Then you can trigger it whenever you want. I use node-red and have all my presence tied to one input_boolean. Then whenever I need to test I can just throw the master switch.