šŸ’” Awesome HA Blueprints: A curated list of blueprints + easily create controller-based automations (remotes, switches,...) for controlling lights, media players, and more

Hi @Filip_Kotian sorry for the late reply.
No, I abandoned the Blueprint, couldnā€™t fix it :expressionless:

Iā€™ve noticed the same, is there a solution for it?

Hi everyone. I am having problems for the configuration of controlers Ikea TrƤdfi and Philips Hue Dimmer switch. It is not working on zigbee2mqtt.

Am I the only one with this issue?

Yeah ok, so this is dead?

Its so weird, the guy puts so much effort into it, the blueprints, the doco. Then just abandons it a few months later. Strange!

Hope hes ok :frowning:

Hi. Iā€™m using the Ikea dimmer switch (E1743), and I absolutely cannot get it to dim the lights. If I add the controller blueprint, without any actyions, and then add the hook, i can turn the lights on/off, but dimming doesnt work. ?

Hi, I have the exact same problem with Hue dimmer switches. Yesterday I switched my Zigbee Adapter and had to re-pair everything. Thankfully the friendly_names were recovered, so it was not that big of a problem. But now my hue switches are not working anymore (the ikea and opple one have no problem).

I had this settings set already before the migration. So this should be set for all devices. Maybe someone else has a idea?

  transition: 1
  legacy: false

EDIT: just some more information, they are connected to the network and i can see the click action in HA. The automation trace is the same as from @Jay-uk.

I think I have found the solution.

  legacy: false

With this setting, all my actions had underscores instead of dashes. The blueprint awaits actions with dashes.
I have now added legacy: true to the dimmer switch and the dashes are back :slight_smile:

Where are you exactly changing these lines? I would try your idea

Long press doesnā€™t work on up and down any more, seems a bigger change is needed (as implemented in ZHA - IKEA four button remote (Styrbar) for lights (E2001, E2002) )

hey Iā€˜m currently trying to setup my ikea tradfri using zigbee2mqtt. but i always fail at creating the lighting hook.

this is the error that I get:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation
Source: components/automation/__init__.py:280 
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 10:34:40 PM (7 occurrences) 
Last logged: 10:34:40 PM

Blueprint Hook - Light generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('controller_device', '7464982375cc468d627a7cf45fc77902'), ('controller_entity', 'sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action'), ('controller_model', 'IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control (#2)'), ('light', 'light.testbirne_esstisch'), ('light_color_mode', 'Color Temperature')]): extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][1]['choose'][10]['sequence'][0]['choose'][1]['sequence'][0]['repeat']['sequence'][1]['milliseconds']. Got None
Blueprint Hook - Light generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('controller_device', '7464982375cc468d627a7cf45fc77902'), ('controller_entity', 'sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action'), ('controller_model', 'IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control (#2)'), ('light', 'light.testbirne_esstisch')]): extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][1]['choose'][10]['sequence'][0]['choose'][1]['sequence'][0]['repeat']['sequence'][1]['milliseconds']. Got None
Blueprint Hook - Light generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('controller_device', '7464982375cc468d627a7cf45fc77902'), ('controller_entity', 'sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action'), ('controller_model', 'IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control (#2)'), ('light', 'light.testbirne_esstisch'), ('max_brightness', 174)]): extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][1]['choose'][10]['sequence'][0]['choose'][1]['sequence'][0]['repeat']['sequence'][1]['milliseconds']. Got None
Blueprint Hook - Light generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('controller_entity', 'sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action'), ('controller_model', 'IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control (#2)'), ('light', 'light.panel_esstisch')]): extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][1]['choose'][10]['sequence'][0]['choose'][1]['sequence'][0]['repeat']['sequence'][1]['milliseconds']. Got None
Blueprint Hook - Light generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('light_color_mode', 'None'), ('light', 'light.testbirne_esstisch'), ('controller_model', 'IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control'), ('controller_entity', 'sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action')]): extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][1]['choose'][10]['sequence'][0]['choose'][1]['sequence'][0]['repeat']['sequence'][1]['milliseconds']. Got None

the config of the hook looks like this:

alias: Hook - Light
description: ""
  path: EPMatt/light.yaml
    light_color_mode: None
    light: light.testbirne_esstisch
    controller_model: IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control
    controller_entity: sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action
    controller_device: 7464982375cc468d627a7cf45fc77902

and the controller config looks like this:

alias: Controller - IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control
description: ""
  path: EPMatt/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml
    integration: Zigbee2MQTT
    controller_entity: sensor.lichtschalter_esstisch_action
    helper_last_controller_event: input_text.lce

help would be really appreciated

Me again after a night of not much sleep I think I fixt the issue by deleting all blueprints and reinstalling all of them.

I canā€™t get long press to work either with IKEA E1743 TRƅDFRI On/Off Switch & Dimmer and ZHA unfortunately. Short press works just fine.

I can see that things are written to the helper during long press but itā€™s not performing the actions.

changed to {"a": "stop_with_on_off", "t": 1666158596.421401} triggered by automation  Service - FjƤrrkontroll Kontor  triggered by event 'zha_event'
07:49:56 - Now
changed to {"a": "move_MoveMode.Down_83_bitmap8.0_bitmap8.0", "t": 1666158587.577765} triggered by automation Service - FjƤrrkontroll Kontor  triggered by event 'zha_event'
alias: Service - FjƤrrkontroll Kontor
description: ""
  path: EPMatt/ikea_e1743.yaml
    integration: ZHA
    controller_device: 8e435f208be000708423ab179d5c2774
    helper_last_controller_event: input_text.remote_kontor
      - service: light.turn_on
        data: {}
          entity_id: light.taklampa_kontor
      - service: light.turn_off
        data: {}
          entity_id: light.taklampa_kontor
1 Like

For ZHA I had to fix the blueprint to make it work. This is how the ZHA part of my YAML for the IKEA 1743 On/Off switch looks like:

        - "on"
        - "move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_83"
        - "stop_with_on_off"
        - "off"
        - move_MoveMode.Down_83_bitmap8.0_bitmap8.0
        - stop_with_on_off

I still donā€™t get the double taps, but long presses work. Itā€™s similar for the E1812 shortcut remote. Itā€™s a bit unfortunate that @epmatt does not seem to maintain the repo anymore. It looks so promising.

And for completeness the updated blueprint to get long presses with the IKEA shortcut E1812 button:

        - "on"
        - move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_83
        - stop_with_on_off

As with the other one, I donā€™t get double-taps, but the long presses work at least.

Hello! I managed to get the ikea e1812 to work pretty well with zigbee2mqtt. Got the short/double and long press working great. I did my very first Pull Request
[Update ikea_e1812.yaml by ralphrtm Ā· Pull Request #448 Ā· EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints Ā· GitHub] (donā€™t know if it will be merge soon).
Can someone try the fix and see if itā€™s working on your system? Thanks

did you solve this ? At the moment iā€™am having the same problem ( E1524 remote Z2MQTT)

I never managed to resolve the problem.

Hmm ok thatā€™s strange , this because they speak about this within the blueprint git themselves

Is there anybody who can lead me the way to solve this ? Or do I maybe need oneother blueprint?

Does anyone know why this would not work?

Curtains will close when holding down long press, but will not stop on release

Using Switchbot Curtains