B22 wifi RGB bulbs

Due to limitations of my lamp shades I can’t use B22 to E27 adaptors. Are there any B22 wifi bulbs available?

I do not mind flashing new firmware if required.

Lifx do some… take a look here

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Zigbee option

Innr B22 smart, colour, dimmable, retrofit RGBW LED bulb (Philips Hue* & Alexa compatible) BY 185C https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N5G9WNA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_ePl1BbFAKAMQH

Got a few Lifx bulbs to try out today.

The difference between them and the Aeotec RGB Gen 5 zwave bulbs is like night and day (pun intended).

The lifx bulbs are significantly faster, brighter and their colour saturation is way better. I used to have to use “OrangeRed” to get a reasonable orange for the Aeotec, the Lifx on the other hand looks great with just “Orange”.

Also the Aeotec whites were really bad. Set to cool white they’d start off with a pinkish tint and go greenish yellow as they warmed up. I never could get a decent warm white shade, it always had a purple tint. The Lifx on the other hand has perfect shades of ice cool white to candle light.

Aeotec lights were ok speed and reliability wise (different story for the smart switches), but make too many settings changes too fast and they’d lock up for a bit then 5 or so seconds later catch up. The Lifx responds instantly to changes. I haven’t been able to trip it up yet.

As soon as two more sonoff POW 2s are delivered I’ll have a bunch of zwave devices for sale second hand. I’m done with it.

Thanks for suggesting the Lifx @allan

Not a problem. So happy to hear that they worked out well for you :slight_smile:

for australians - Mirabella genio


Do these need firmware flashing or do they work with an existing HA component?

Looks like they are based on Tuya

That’s a no from me then. I’m after as little cloud services as possible.

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tuya-convert w/ OTA flashing + ESPHome Firmware = Cloudless, Cheap Smart Bulbs

Yep, convert them to cloudless with Tuya Convert then you are in control of the firmware, you could even write your own firmware with Arduino IDE given they are ESP8266 based and OTA flash them! But ESPHome is simple enough to use and generates lightweight fast firmware images. There are also other options, Tasmota, Espurna, EasyESP, and AiLight.