Backup Strategies

I am sorry if this is in the wrong place. It did not seem like it should go under the ‘Installation’ section, but it equally seems ill-suited for Configuration as well. So forgive me if there is a better place for this.

I am currently using SyncThing to back up my configuration directory (/home/hass/.homeassistant) to another RPi 3 that I have that serves as a file server. It is a real-time synchronization of that directory over to the other Pi.

I want to make sure that that is all I have to back up. I use an Aeotec Z-Stick, so all the devices are paired there, so the configuration directory should have all I need, correct? I know there are ways to image the SD card, and I will eventually get to that, but currently I am running on Jessie Lite and I would rather use Jessie so I have a GUI front end I can use from time to time just because I am like that. I just want to be sure that should I pull the SD card and reinstall HA to Jessie that all I would have to do after that is just move my configuration directory over.

That all said I am also interested in any strategies others are using as well. I think I would eventually prefer to just set up an automation in HA that I could activate and back up everything to the other Pi but I will have to do some research on how that is done.

There’s a great thread about automating backups and strategies here; it might yield some of what you are looking for.

Crap!!! Sorry @rpitera, I should have done due dilligence and searched first. Thank you for that link.

Dude, please - I am happy to do this. It’s my way of supporting HA and paying back the devs. I just hope it works out for you. :slight_smile: