Badge pictures not showing

Good Day,

I have a strange issue, after the latest update my badge pictures disappeared, ruining the aesthetic of my HA dashboard. I only have the default head and shoulder icon now as shown below:


strange thing is that when I click on one of the icons, I do see the pictures as can be seen below:



My config is as follows in the raw config editor:

title: Home
  - theme: Backend-selected
    icon: mdi:home
    path: home
    title: Home
      - entity: device_tracker.carze
        name: pape
        entity_picture: /local/tajmahala.jpg
      - entity: device_tracker.princesss_iphone
        name: mame
        entity_picture: /local/mugaza.jpg
      - entity: device_tracker.kateka
        name: kateka
      - entity: device_tracker.singi
        name: zingo
      - entity: device_tracker.tsaki
        name: tsaki

why is it not rendering in the front end but shows when I click the default badge icon?

I am on the latest update. Please assist.


      - type: entity
        entity: device_tracker.carze
        show_entity_picture: true
        name: pape
        display_type: complete

Thanks @tom_l for the prompt assistance, I now have

title: Home
  - theme: Backend-selected
    icon: mdi:home
    path: home
    title: Home
      - type: entity
        entity: device_tracker.carze
        show_entity_picture: true
        name: pape
        entity_picture: /local/tajmahala.jpg
        display_type: minimal
      - entity: device_tracker.princesss_iphone
        name: mame
        entity_picture: /local/mugaza.jpg
        show_entity_picture: true
        display_type: minimal
      - entity: device_tracker.kateka
        name: kateka
        show_entity_picture: true
        display_type: minimal
      - entity: device_tracker.singi
        name: zingo
        show_entity_picture: true
        display_type: minimal
      - entity: device_tracker.tsaki
        name: tsaki
        show_entity_picture: true
        display_type: minimal

the badges display, I can’t help but notice that the picture sizes have shrunk compared to the past, when i do “complete” the text comes next to the picture badge so I tested with minimal and here is what it looks like:


I’d say it is 60% the size of what it used to be.

Here is the complete display:


and standard:


in the past, the state was below a bigger picture, and on my mobile, the entities with state would occupy one row (see below), now it is two rows with a smaller picture,

                                 Versus (2 rows now):

Is there a way to control this?

No. That’s it.

1 Like

Thank you, just have to adapt …

I have the same issue, after an udate my badges don’t show pictures anymore.
So added the lines Tom suggested:

    show_entity_picture: true
    display_type: complete
  - badges:
      - entity: device_tracker.renese
        show_entity_picture: true
        display_type: complete
        image: /local/rene.jpg
        name: René

But did not help. Only name showed up now.

Any ideas on this?