Badges attributes

I want to change the badges color ,style and icon
On my homepage i have all people which are at HOME or AWAY
I want to change color HOME in green and AWAY in red
How and where can i change this ?

Card mod will enable you to do this.

i tried tis code

  - title: Maison
    path: maison
    icon: mdi:home
      - entity: person.niek
        name: Niek
        style: |
          :host {
            {% if is_state('person.niek','AWAY') %}
            --label-badge-red: purple;
            --ha-label-badge-size: 100px;
              {% endif%}

            {% if is_state('person.niek','HOME') %}
            --label-badge-red: green;
            --ha-label-badge-size: 100px;
              {% endif%}

still get errors, do i need to install HACS ?


i want something like this , but how ?

Card mod thread → 1st post → link at the bottom

So you need HACS to install card mod.