Badges for addon service status

Yeah, sorry, should still be going to the info path. Try this:

It should return started if it’s running.

By the way, you can always try these commands from the Home Assistant command line using curl to see what JSON object is being returned to the sensor. So in this case you could try:

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <YOUR HA ACCESS TOKEN HERE>"

Then you can check the result to see that the JSON key you are looking for is actually present

For anyone stumbling across this like me:
Just like @phakorn mentioned, there is now a binary sensor for this that can tell you if an addon is running. You just have to enable it.
Go to Settings > Devices > Addon in question > Sensors > Running > Advanced Options > Enable.

Using the not_running trigger you can trigger on an addon stopping.