Battery-powered smart night light

Hey there,

I am new to the smart home topic and about to start with home assistant, so please forgive potentially missing knowledge :slight_smile:
I am currently looking for lights that can be used as night light fulfilling the following specs:

  • Battery-powered to not use up any power sockets
  • Can be easily attached to a wall
  • Can be controlled by Home Assistant (preferably without any additional hardware)

I came across the MI Motion Activated Night Light 2 (Bluetooth) which seems to be the only battery-powered light having somethign like a app control or is smart, but it seems to require more hardware to be implemented into HA. I would like to ask the community if you can suggest other lights as solution to my problem.

The plan is to have several lights along the way from our daughters room to our bedroom which will activate when she gets up in the night and dimmly light up her way. The lights should reacts only in night time hours and it should be possible to deactivate them temprarily via HA so that we can get into her room without illuminating the room.

Do you have any suggestions as to what hardware might be the best solution for me? :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance and best regards!

I think I would just make one myself with ESPHome and a LED powered by an USB powerbank.
The most tricky thing here is to make a case that looks decent enough, but it can be done in 3D print, wood, paper or whatever you are good at working in.
The benefit of a powerbank is that you can have multiple, so charging the battery can be done while another powerbank powers the device.
Using an ESPHome means you can choose what LEDs you want and how many.

Hey, thank you for the swift reply! I was hoping for a solution that may not involve any additional hardware for operation (which is the case for the ESPHome approach as far as I get it?) and is more out of the shelve.
In the end we will have three to four lights illuminating the way from one bedroom to the other.

You’d be best to have dual gang sockets in the places where you need to keep a socket free and want to install a light then use LED strips (Govee LED Strip Light M1 or the Basic HUE lightstrips are the better options out there) or if you have the sockets and spots you can install the ceiling lights or bulbs where you need the lights to tie back to HA via zigbee or wifi then link them to the circadian lighting integration so they auto adjust based on the sun position between sunset and sunrise which using that state as a condition will tell it to only run when its night.

From there you can tie in a motion sensor, the one I use is an Aeotech Smart Motion Sensor for my kitchen and bedroom lights in each room.

Phoscon Hive?
Or something from portable Philips Hue Go line:
Go portable accent light