Bayesian sensor to Home/Away badge

I’ve just succesfully created 2 Bayesian binary sensors for presence detection. So far, it seems to be working fairly well. But when I try to publish these sensors to the front end, I only see a badge with our names underneath and nothing else. I also see that these binary sensors return “on” or “off”.
Has anyone implemented a badge in their front end that would show “Home” or “Away”? If so could you share an example? I assume that it would be using a template of some sort. Thanks

Just add…

device_class: 'presence'

to your Bayesian sensor config

Thanks for your reply, I added what you have suggested in your post, but didn’t seem like it worked, as a matter of fact, the bayesian binary sensor was not created. I also didn’t see it in the Documentation. Maybe I didn’t do it right, this is the first part of my bayesian sensor:

- platform: bayesian
  device_class: 'presence'
  prior: 0.7
  name: 'Wife Presence'
  probability_threshold: 0.9
    - entity_id:   # List of all my entities ...

Did I miss anything or didn’t code it correctly?

Yeah that is pretty much my config which works fine…

- platform: bayesian
  prior: 0.75
  name: "Bayesian Presence James"
  device_class: 'presence'
  probability_threshold: 0.95
    - entity_id: "device_tracker.james"
      prob_given_true: 0.8
      platform: 'state'
      to_state: 'home'

The actual state is still on/off but if I add the sensor to a group it shows home/away