Thanks for the follow up. The integration very well could be the issue here, I will reset everything and dig into that more. It is interesting though that the iBeacon integration shows once device per UUID, even though they share the mac. It still might not handle it well, but it does show multiple devices. Only the Uuid attribute and major/minor differ. The Source (mac) attribute matches.
I’m trying to use these for a couple different use cases. I have an ESPHome BT proxy out in my garage and I wanted to put one of these beacons on each of my two big trash cans. I wanted HA to nag me to put the trash cans out on trash day. (based on distance) The motion feature seemed cool, because I wanted to know when the trash got picked up, or if the can got knocked over or blew away. (I was also going to maybe setup something to look at my camera events to look for garbage trucks, but that is awfully heavy on compute, vs something slick and low compute like this).
Lots of HA users (including me) have successfully implemented the trash can project on our website. It requires using our gateway (more hardware expenses! ), but it definitely works:
By the way, re that smart guy Kyle (nice guy too) who wrote up an alternative description of the project: I would say his explanation is much for fluent in HA-ese, while mine is a bit simpler to understand. I think he added some nice improvements though, so if you want state of the art, follow his instructions.
Sounds great, Thanks! He does have a great writeup! I already have tons of MQTT stuff so that works great. I have 40+ integrations, dozens of addons… so I don’t mind tinkering with HA.