Be able to get the device_id from where a conversation agent was triggered

Be able to get the device_id from where a conversation agent was triggered.

From this conversation here: How to use the passed device_id in an automation service

This is interesting if you are using your phone and wanna receive a notification of the result of the action or your phone to performe some action like adding an alarm.

Also in case you have multiple mics in your home that can trigger the conversation agent and you need to know which mic triggered the action.

+1 This would also be useful if you had multiple atom stacks and you could simply say “Turn off the lights” and have one automation that would turn off the lights in the room you were in based on which device triggered the sentence automation.

This would allow me to replace google assistant on my phone with home assistant. At the moment I can’t replace it because I need actions to be performed on the device I use the voice assistant on. If we could somehow get access to the device_id I could still have google maps load on the device that I spoke the ‘navigate to etc’ sentence into.

This is one of the basics of voice commands. Turn the lights on should do so in the area, not the whole house. If you want to build your own automation, including to derect a reply back, you need to know where it came from (but I think it should be an entity_id, not a device_id).

This feature request is similar to:

At post #10 you can see assist is already area aware, I just do not know if you can get the area in automations triggered by voice.