1 have 4 Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC Temp & Humidity sensors (flashed with alternate firmware, so no key). OpenMQTT gateway on an ESP32 finds them, my newly flashed ESP32 Bluetooth proxy shows nothing? Do I need to install something more ?
What alternate firmware and what’s your BT Proxy YAML?
I’ve got tons of those flashed with firmware to use BTHome and they work flawlessly with my BT Proxies.
ATC firmware
name: bluetooth-proxy
friendly_name: Bluetooth Proxy
board: esp32dev
type: esp-idf
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Bluetooth-Proxy Fallback Hotspot"
password: "REMOVED"
interval: 1100ms
window: 1100ms
active: true
active: true
So this?
I had to use the BTHome option in the flashing tool (can’t remember what exactly the option is called since I’m not currently flashing one) for it to show up in HA.
Also, unless you’re using an ESP with Ethernet, get rid of these per the note in the docs:
Seems that flasher has problems with the old ATC firmware (I flashed those in 2020) They are running
Telink Flasher now.
I haven’t been able to get bluetooth esp proxy to work. I’ve tried on two different ESP’s.
Your comment that you need the Bluetooth LE Tracker integration reminds me that I saw this requirement last time I took a crack at this.
The LE Tracker integration says you need the Bluetooth integration first.
When I try to add the Bluetooth integration I get this error:
“No unconfigured Bluetooth adapters found. There are 0 ignored adapters.”
I do not have a bluetooth adaptor plugged into my HA box, and I thought I didn’t have to. But if you can’t add the integration without a direct-connected adaptor, and you can’t get the ESP proxy to work unless you have the integration…
Not sure what I’m missing here…
You don’t add the Bluetooth integration with the Proxies. Anything they pull in will just be auto-discovered. What devices are you expecting the BT Proxy to pickup?
That is true for things like supported BLE sensors and supported BLE operable devices (if you have enabled active connections) but not if you youst want to detect if a BLE device is there. You do not want those autodiscovered, there are just too much. These you need to add to known_devices.yaml yourself if you want to track them. So the question is indeed: what are you trying to detect?
I thought from the docs that this bit is only for Ethernet connected devices. If you have wifi connected devices, it is recommended to use the default interval and window. Wifi and Bluetooth share the radio, each must have enough time.
Yes, I removed the scan_parameters