I have been watching the RuuviTags now, and maybe it is RuuviTag issue… They seem to send updates only when one of the sensors change (temperature, humidity, pressure, battery voltage, movement detected). Maybe I have been looking this issue wrong all the time and root cause is the tags. If so, it does make sense from battery management perspective. Which actually made me thing about the MQTT idea, solution for this could be automation that triggers on Bermuda area change, ignores unavailable status and posts all other updates to MQTT topic, which I could turn into more stable sensors for HA dashboard?
EDIT: Contacted RuuviTag team, above assumption was not completely correct. RuuviTags doed broadcast MAC with 1285 ms interval, which is much higher than iBeacon normally do, but still less than 10000 ms that is said to be the upperbound for iBeacons. It is still lower than 2.8s threshold.
Shelly logs didn’t show continuous or repeating connection issues (3 disconnect events in past 24h which IMHO is fine for WiFi). Neither did Shellys on device logs show anything weird.
I looked into Bermuda addon debug logs and used the service dump, but I can’t see any error errors, but I see some duplicate creation messages and beacon type “not a beacon” parameters in the dump.
Strange this is, this exactly same behaviour is also happening with HA Android Companion App tracker (my mobile). That would point again that RuuviTag may not be the culprit after all, then again Shelly logs (device or integration) doesn’t show any errors. Native Shelly integration works through RPC as it seems, not sure if other protocol could be more stable.
TLDR; Something seems to be off with the Shelly as a proxy or bluetooth_le_tracker config that causes devices to go “Unavailable” all the time.
Logs: Bermuda Add-On Debug Log2024-04-23 14:28:49.045 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [home - Pastebin.com
Bluetooth from configuration.yaml:
platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
track_battery: true
track_battery_interval: 3600