If the issue is having to re-configure, then I think you’ve already found a great solution, which I also use. Nginx Reverse Proxy Set Up Guide – Docker. Just add the DuckDNS docker image. There’s really no extra work or reconfiguration when moving.
- DuckDNS docker image (no need to set up anything more than once, even when you move, using this docker image).
- Let’s Encrypt which includes nginx (again, no need to set up more than once with this image). It auto-renews certificates, so you’ll never have to worry about that again (there’s a cron job running daily to check certs).
I do have to forward ports in my router for this approach, but that’s 2 minutes work, and only has to be re-done if you change or factory reset your router. I have literally spent 2 minutes on this in total during the last year or more, I just brought my router with me when I moved. DuckDNS takes care of itself, the same for letsencrypt.
You can find the docker images used in my repo under “Docker containers”.
Bottom line is, I didn’t have to change a single thing when I moved last summer, and I really haven’t needed to at any point, unless I wanted to e.g. add a new subdomain in the nginx setup. The only thing you will ever (unless any breaking changes are introduced in updates) have to re-do is the port forwarding, and only whenever you get a new router.
EDIT: Rearranged post to emphasize that this is easy when moving. First post was messy. I blame jetlag