"best" router for IoT - misleading wi-fi specs

But aren’t you already owning openwrt capable hardware? This netgear thing :point_down:


Yes indeed, so you would advise I simply upgrade that router to OpenWRT and I might even not need an AP?

Exactly! What could get wrong (beside turning your $100 into a :brick:)? :joy:

Jokes aside… Definitely do/try it. Read all the do’s and don’ts about your specific device before flashing and get yourself ready to free that thing :rocket:

The most information you need might be actually down here (same same device but different name): :point_down:

Good ride and keep us posted :wave:

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Yup, if you can flash OpenWRT on the device you’ve already got, DEFINITELY do that first. Save your money, unless it’s a necessity. THEN consider the inexpensive used hardware market.