Best Way to get Bare Metal System info

I’m still relatively new with HA, and am trying to determine the best way to pull system information in creating a dashboard of that information. But everyone’s setups are different, and unsure what possibly could be the best way for myself.

I read HA has an snmp integration, but not sure yet if that will fully work for me or not (or how to setup and find the baseoid’s) just yet.

So my setup is like this:

  • I run a ProxMox on the baremetal. My understanding is that proxmox itself does not report any cpu, mb, or other info directly?
  • My MB is an ASRock with IPMI. I can access the IPMI and see various MB information there.
  • I have HA installed as a VM on proxmox. Will do zwave usb passthru later today (if time permits)
  • I also run Unraid as VM on Proxmox with an HBA passthru.
  • Various or VM’s and containers for Plex, Tautillia, Windows VM, etc.

So I would like HA to show various bare metal and UnRaid information. Thing like the overall system temps and cpu usage, as well as what my UnRaid storage and free, space, etc.

Just not sure if snmp is the place to start or not.

Possibly making some small progress after various searches.

Am I correct that ipmi tools is not available in HA?

I was able to create another container/vm in proxmox, install ipmitools, and then run this command to get the cpu temp of the motherboard. But have not figured out how to get that to a sensor in HA.

ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.xx.xx -U user -P pass sdr entity 3.0 | grep CPU | cut -c 38-40

You can publish it to mqtt.

Thanks, I had actually also came across that post and have gotten that working, sending both the CPU Temp and MB Temps to HA.

But I have measurement issue. The server is reporting the temps in Celsius like such:

M/B Temperature  | 21h | ok  |  3.0 | 47 degrees C
CPU Temperature  | 23h | ok  |  3.0 | 39 degrees C

And for my sensors I have

- platform: mqtt
    name: CPU temp
    state_topic: "home/sensors/server/cpu_temp"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'

But HA then reports it in Fahrenheit. And if I change the unit of measure to °F, it then returns celius.