Xiaomi Gateway Integration

Can you elaborate a bit more on what actually you need help with?

If I understand your question correctly… To reduce/remove the pending time you will change it where configuring alarm_control_panel: as per https://home-assistant.io/components/alarm_control_panel.manual/


  • trigger_time: 0

Yeah, I dont think it is and I havent seen any references of any kind of script control.
I decided to use Sonoff instead.

The trigger_time is the time in which the alarm is firing. The pending time i’m interested in between the armed_home/away and triggered states (imo there shouldn’t be pending in between these two as i want to fire the alarm immediately but that’s not the case here). If i change the pending_time to 1 (0 is not valid) it will put 1 second from when i click the button and when the alarm is armed and i cannot leave the house in 1 second without firing the alarm. hope it makes sense.

Yes, sorry.
I found how to clone - “git clone [url] [directory]” - is that correct?
So I should run “git clone https://github.com/lazcad/homeassistant.git /home/hass/src”, right?
But what about “symlink the respective files inside /home/hass/.homeassistant/custom_components/” - not sure about that …
And if all above is done, how do I pull update? Again by “git clone https://github.com/lazcad/homeassistant.git /home/hass/src”?
Can I make script for that in HA ?

Thanks in advance for any tips


I will share what I did, without being sure that this is 100% correct, although until now is 100% functional. Please feel free to correct me if you think something I suggested is not fully correct.

Basically, for each file/folder within the components folder cloned from github, I created a symbolic link within the /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components folder using the following set of commands:

sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
ln -s /home/homeassistant/src/homeassistant/components/xiaomi.py /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components
ln -s /home/homeassistant/src/homeassistant/components/binary_sensor /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components
ln -s /home/homeassistant/src/homeassistant/components/light /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components
ln -s /home/homeassistant/src/homeassistant/components/sensor /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components

If you ls -all /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components afterwards, it will look something like this (ignore pycache as this will be generated automatically):

After doing this and if you just want to update the files from github again, you can run the following set of commands:

sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
cd /home/homeassistant/src/homeassistant
git pull origin master
sudo systemctl start [email protected]

After this, Home Assistant should be running properly with the updated files.

Hope this helps you somehow.


This is exactly the way I do it and it has been working for a few months now!

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Thank you very much. I will try that.
I already have a script to backup config files that can be started from HA frontend, so I will try to do the same with this.
Thanks again

Aqara’s new motion sensor is out for sale!

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thats my perfect sensor: light, movement, adjustable, and in xiaomi app. Hope will soon integrated in HA

You’re welcome.

I haven’t done anything yet for backup files, but I already have a weekly full backup being done. Anyway, that might make sense, I will also look into that.

About running it from the frontend, hopefully Xiaomi component will get included soon enough in Home Assistant, avoiding the requirement to add it as a custom component (and consequently keeping it updated from github repo).

It’s a bit pricey, considering the current line-up prices @Gearbest, for instance.

Still then, I have to admit that having a light intensity sensor integrated is great, as I could avoid setting my turn on light automation with a time schedule, and do it whenever it was dark enough in the division.

What do you use for the weekly backup? An der where do you back it up to?

A small bash script running via cron, in which I stop all main services running in the RPi (in this case, home-assistant, homebridge and mosquitto), mount a NAS and then use dd to mirror the full SD Card to a file in NAS, and then once finished, start same services again (and unmount the NAS).

After this, you have a full working online backup image, that you can either restore to an SD card if needed or just mount it if you need to fetch specific files.

All my RPis actually have quite similar weekly backup jobs - main difference are, of courses, the services to stop/start.

hello guys
i can not control the gateway rgb light for HA
but I can control the me app after I look the HA its change but I cant control


In your frontend, do you have the switch (named like light.gateway_light_xxxxxxxxxx), to turn it on/off and it doesn’t work?

Price is bound to drop since first offers are usually overpriced. Just wait for Gearbest to list them and put them on flash sale

Anyone using the powered Zigbee wall switches? https://www.banggood.com/New-Arrival-Original-Xiaomi-Aqara-Wall-Switch-ZigBee-Version-Smart-Home-Controller-p-1153555.html?rmmds=search

Yes i added it does not work But when I changed for Me app, this time HA has changed

but I didnt control by HA