Better looking device tracker

I am getting errors with this component. Is it still working for anyone else ins 84.1?

Error loading custom_components.binary_sensor.device_tracker_sensor. Make sure all dependencies are installed

Yes, I got the same error message. The original custom component code contains an import statement that is not actually required.

To fix this, find file in your custom_components folder, and remove (or comment out) the following line:

from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import async_get_last_state

thanks for the tip! just made my config useable again :slight_smile:

as the original (from the first post) url gives me 404 - is there any place on github where this component is being kept and developed? my search failed, and just thought that it would be nice to have ā€œthe original sourceā€ on the web just in case.

It is here:
Iā€™ve not updated it to 0.84 yet.


great, thanks!

Thank you for sharing the fix. Much appreciated

You really should submit a PR for this. It is a GREAT component.

It wonā€™t be accepted since this can already be done with templates (in a more tedious way, but still).

I use templates in my setup to accomplish what this custom component does (found my way here while exploring Home Assistant configs on github). Itā€™s really about the same amount of effort, since you list the device trackers for either one? Sure thereā€™s some extra values set for the template, but itā€™s mostly copy paste between them (I have one set up for each of my cameras).

Using binary_sensor template platform:

- platform: template
      device_class: connectivity
      entity_id: device_tracker.camera_interior_01
      friendly_name: Int Cam 01
      value_template: "{{ is_state('device_tracker.camera_interior_01', 'home') }}"
      icon_template: mdi:cctv


iā€™ve get this error on check configuration on home assistant 0.92.0:

General Errors:

  • Integration device_tracker_sensor not found when trying to verify its binary_sensor platform.

Iā€™ve get this error with add-on check configuration. How resolve this?

I am also getting the same error after updating just now to 0.92.0 from 0.91.4

Maybe this is the fix ? Will try later.

Iā€™ve added the missing file for this custom_component to the github repo. Please download the component with the new folder structure.

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To help others I downloaded the whole file from here it is under ā€œhomeassistant-custom-components/others/device_tracker_sensor/ā€

I copied both the new init file and file over but the built in checker kept running and running but was ok via CLI (this could be just related to my HA instance). I restarted HA from CLI ā€œcore-ssh:~# hassio ha restartā€ and all seems to be working as usual :grinning:

Since the restart the built in checker now runs fine - weird :open_mouth:

Hi abmantis,

iā€™m using your great component for a long time but now with the new version 0.110 it doesnā€™t work anymore.

Logger: homeassistant.components.binary_sensor
Source: components/binary_sensor/
Integration: BinƤrsensor ([documentation](
First occurred: 25. Mai 2020, 19:39:17 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 25. Mai 2020, 19:39:17
BinarySensorDevice is deprecated, modify DeviceTrackerSensor to extend BinarySensorEntity

do you still maintain this competent?

El Grande

I was hopping someone could submit a PR to fix it, I donā€™t think the change is too hard but I havenā€™t been able to find the time to do it.

So this aint working anymore for me as of 0.118.0. But the results can still be obtained by creating regular binary_sensors.

platform: template
        - device_tracker.devicename_a
      value_template: '{% if states.device_tracker.devicename_a %}
          {% if states.device_tracker.devicename_a.state == "home" %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}'
        - device_tracker.devicename_b
      value_template: '{% if states.device_tracker.devicename_b %}
          {% if states.device_tracker.devicename_b.state == "home" %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}'

This will return On / Off / n/a depending if state is home/away/unresolvable.

Will also have to specify binary_sensor data in customization.

  icon: mdi:icon-for-device-a
  friendly_name: Device A
  icon: mdi:icon-for-device-b
  friendly_name: Device B