BirdNET (-PI)

That’s fantastic. I have the existing one on my HA machine tied into the mic on my Unifi cameras. It works pretty well, save the UI experience is only useable on a desktop. It seems like it pre-loads ALL of the sound files on a page with the page and that makes it crawl if you try using it on mobile.

Definitely excited to see some movement here. Thanks for the update!

BirdNet-GO has the ability to listen to one rtsp stream.

My camera mics suffer way too much from wind noise for that unfortunately.

Yep. That’s how I’m doing it. It works pretty well.

My birdnet.pi server is running well enough for now (though I’ll agree I wish it was easier to view on mobile).

But if this new option gets a HA addon and support for multiple rtsp streams…I will gladly make the switch.

I use MQTT to bring some data into HA so I can see, at least, my most recent visitor when I’m not home. Would be fantastic to have the entire dash accessible in HA. Also nice to free up that Pi.

Will be following!

I’ve managed in the past to port a couple docker apps to the HA way of things. I seems that the S6 overlay will work just fine here, as all it needs to do is call a binary, which can be done through a .sh. As mentoined on GitHub i haven’t had much time nor a good internet connection. But only got a couple weeks left.

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Birdnet-go has just added mqtt reporting of detections. I’ve got it connected to the broker and reporting but have not yet worked out how best to display this data. Displaying Birdnet-go detections

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@alexbelgium has ported the birdnet-go to one of his easy to use add ons. You may need to add the store to HA. Other than that it’s working on my HA server.


Thanks! Everything should work including ingress except for saving options through the webui : there is a 404 page but the options are still saved. You just need to reopen the app. Well, in theory options shouldn’t be changed that often and most importantly can be changed through the config.yaml file exposed in the /addons_config/xxx-birdnet-go folder!

Very nice, thank you for making this. Unfortunately my HA server isn’t in a good position to get an attached microphone to outside. Fortunately this Go version of BirdNET works really well on older pi boards (unlike the original BirdNet-pi).

Now all we need is someone with UI skills to make a fancier card than this Displaying Birdnet-go detections - #14 by Scott8586

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I thought so too! But birdnet-go supports rtsp streams to extract sound! It is just perfect as often HA users have external cameras. I have one connected by ethernet and it works great

By adapting sensitivity and threshold, as well as changing some options in the camera webui I was able to improve detection (I use a dahua camera)

Yeah I did check my camera audio streams but there was too much wind noise.

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This is fantastic! Thank you! Much snappier than the docker version I was previously running. Is running great with an RTSP feed from a camera.

I haven’t been able to find where all the clips being saved though… is it in a database?

Hi, actually I have made both addons on my github repo:

Both can even run in parallel, although it is at the risk of high resource usage :wink: Their database is not compatible : a tool exist to migrate birdnet-pi database to birdnet-go but not the other way around

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The clips storage location can be configure from Birdnet-go settings ; by default, it is clips which places it in /data/clips (so within the addon which can cause an issue with space). However, you can mount a local of smb drive using HA system or my own (through addon options) and specificy it as a location (such as /mnt/sda1/birdnet)

Trying both birdnetpi and birdnetgo addons now. The go version looks fantastic! Hoping they add support for multiple rtsp streams though…

I had birdnetpi running separately before and, during the setup, I created a login and password. I could use those credentials to access the terminal. I don’t see a way to set those up using the addon so does anyone know what the default would be?

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Hi, default username is “birdnet” and password is blank. You can set a password from the settings however, or the birdnet.conf.

Indeed the go looks very nice ! I’m using the pi version for the moment as it has tons of the feature that are not yet ported to the go (such as deletions). The birdnet-go developer has however put a tool to transfer birdnet-pi database to birdnet-go so it allows to be flexible in the tool used :slight_smile:

I will try this but I think it’s a different set of credentials than I’m looking for.

The one you mention is what you enter when you get the browser popup to login to the site.

I’m looking for what to enter when using the web terminal option in settings. I believe they are different.

Hi, indeed there is no password by default which means that terminal doesn’t work.
I’ll add a option to the addon in which you can set the password, which will have to be set by the user before being able to start the addon

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Thanks! I’ll check it out. At the moment I can verify my instance is hearing my cameras but it’s not detecting/recording anything.

I still have my original instance going, as well, listening to the same cameras and making frequent detections.

So something’s up. I’ll investigate.

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Are you the one i’m discussing with on github?

BTW could you please check v17 if you still have the issue? I’ve ironed out several bugs recently!

And from v17 you will have the service logs shown directly in the addon logs