Blue Iris Integration Tutorial


I’ve got a newer windows pc with 16gb ram (can’t remember the cpu off the top of my head) and BI usually takes up 30% to 50% of cpu and it eventually hogs up all of the ram over several days of running. To the point i need to reboot the pc about once a week because everything comes to a crawl.

That’s really the worst thing about BI. I love everything else about it.

I don’t see that. I have BI running on a Win 10 VM under Proxmox. I dedicated 4 of my 8 CPU cores of a 8th generation i5 and 8 Gb of RAM to the VM and the VM runs at around 20% utilization. The Intel GPU is passed through to the VM to take advantage of hardware acceleration. All this is currently with 3 cameras (all 4MP), which all have motion detection running. I plan to add additional cameras soon.


Thanks for the input. You make me think of another question. I guess performance is at least partially based on number of cameras, resolution, frame rate, etc. So what’s the most number of cameras we can expect from a BI install on a SFF-type machine? (2-4 core, hyperthreading, 16G memory)



There is a document on the BlueIris forums with tips on tuning it to consume less CPU. The biggest one is to avoid re-encoding the video (i.e. write the raw video to disk), but I don’t remember the setting off the top of my head.

I have 10 1080p cameras with BlueIris running on an old i7 based box (3.4GHz, 16 GB) and I rarely see it peak above 20% CPU utilization. Those cameras are all doing motion detection, and one is almost constantly recording because of it (it triggers on cars going past).

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Any idea where this is as I am very interested in it.
I am running on a i5-4570 3.2GHz 16GB ram.
Have 6 camera’s with one of them is only clone so that I can just do motion detection when someone is walking up the front steps and when it’s sitting idle it’s probably using 45-50% CPU.
When I have 1 or 2 to HA screens showing the camera it’s hovering around 80% cpu.
This pc also has my Plex server, so if someone is trying to watch something the CPU is pegged to 100.
All cameras use the Blue Iris DVR file format with Direct-to-disc.

I am not sure if I need to upgrade my CPU or maybe get a video card to help this run smoother.

Anyone with tips would be appreciated.

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Excellent, thank you.
I will see if this helps.

Anyone getting Blue Iris to trigger from hassio mqtt? I have it working OK the other way (thanks to this thread) but can’t seem to trigger from HA. Blue Iris trips from a web browser using but same in mqtt publish does not work. It does show up in a terminal using mosquitto_sub…

Trying to integrate a Hue motion sensor, darn spiders like the warm cameras, always give false triggers at night:-(

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I can’t seem to get HA to connect to my BI camera. Here’s my config:

  - platform: mjpeg
    name: Driveway_Temp
    username: #####
    password: ####
    authentication: basic

Here’s what shows when I try to view the stream in lovelace:

Fixed it. Windows firewall was blocking access.

You don’t mind point me to the right location for that. I’ve turned off all firewall settings under windows and so far I can’t get mine to work.

I just set it within Windows Defender Firewall. Allowed Blue Iris through for Private and Public.

i’ve got those set in windows, but i’m still unable to view the stream on HA

First of all thank you to OP for this guide, I used it to set up my HA dashboard. Using motion alerts and conditional cards to make a camera full screen on motion. Question about Profile Switching though.

Can anyone suggest the best way to do Profile Switching? I have read through the thread and implemented the CURL command but apparently it only works one way.

How do I keep the switches in sync between BI and HA? I do have MQTT set up, just not sure what command to shoot over or where to find docs on that.

How can I choose between multiple profiles? I would like to use more than just two profiles, is there a better option than the toggle switch?

I was using it for a while but just have one profile at this point. If I remember correctly, I used a shell command with cURL. I’d then have Node-RED call the service depending on the time of day.

I need some help here. I have followed this tutorial and still don’t get notifications. The mqtt server connects to BI, the binary sensor shows up but nothing is sent. I am assuming I set the sensor up wrong in HA but?

I can see where BI logs onto the mqtt server, and it doesn’t error out. The video works fine (a but slow but it works). So I’m sure they can talk to each other


I solved it. Fro some reason I needed to change the payloads from “on and off” to “true and false”


If anyone know why this is please enlighten me.

I setup mine yesterday and used ON and OFF. The only diference I can see from my configuration to yours, is that my sate_topic is not under “”.

Does anyone have HA updating the video coming from blue iris every 10 seconds?
This was fine for me until today, because I’m integrating IA detection and I guess that is not helping.
In Blue Iris I see an option to refresh every 5 seconds when its by remote desktop, so I guess this is not the problem. My HA is running on Pi.

did you use a custom component?

I cannot get MQTT Alerts of any kind to work. I followed this guide -

I can see BI logging into MQTT just fine. I copied and pasted exactly what was in the guide:

And have done so for the On state and the Off state. At this point, I’m at a loss.