@Rod_Poplarchick love your blueprint, and have it working nicely with my D1 mini and SW-420 vibration sensor. Is it possible to add a time condition into the blueprint, to prevent the action within designated times?
I tried editing the blueprint once downloaded but haven’t got it right (generates a log error), but this might be a feature others would use too.
I often run the dryer overnight (cheaper power) and don’t really need to know it’s finished at 2AM, so not triggering between say 2300 - 0700 would be ideal.
condition: time
before: "23:00:00"
after: "07:00:00"
- mon
- tue
- wed
- thu
- fri
- sat
- sun
I’d written my own automation but was struggling with managing the hysterisis element. [My sensor is case mounted so only generates intermittent pulses when running; “on” is pulses for > 2 mins, “off” if no pulses for > 5 mins after an “on” period. This has so far eliminated false triggering from door opening and cupboard access.]
I’ve got two of these sensors - one on my dishwasher, one on my washing machine. I can see the sensors in ZHA, can see in the logs when they are acknowledging vibrations, but I have yet for either of the automations I created to fire. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
@Britespark I just wanted to note that you should not run dryers during the night (i.e when you sleep). They are one of the most common reasons for fire nowadays, and at least in my country (Norway) the fire departments have seen a spike in more serious fires because of them (and people noticing them too late).
@Rod_Poplarchick I’ve been searching for a solution to my automation issue and think this blueprint can help. I’m having issues with it, however, because I’m using a Smartthings multi sensor and the blueprint doesn’t recognize it. I tried to edit it but I got an error Missing input definition for moving… Could you provide any insight.
from the ‘vibration_sensor’ section and see if you can find the sensor. The list will be longer. Your sensor MAY not be of device_class vibration.
You could also do a custom on it and change the class to vibration, but that one is a guess…
It still must be an input_boolean in order to work in the BP.
Thank you! I was able to get it working. I guess it was what you posted here but I didn’t see the specific option I changed in the article. I changed the “show as” option in the entities settings to vibration which then allowed the blueprint to see it and it worked perfectly. So to anyone else, this blueprint will work with the Smartthings/Aeotec multi-sensor, you just need to change that setting.
I am using a thirdreality vibration sensor brought in through z2m and attempting to use it to alert when the dryer is done. This blueprint sees the device so I suspect it would work as expected.
But rather than having it trigger a notification, what I would like to do is have it toggle an input_boolean on when the dryer starts and then off when it ends. I want to pass this input_boolean to alexa and use the alexa app to announce the dryer has finished.
I want to do it this way because currently the Alexa Media Player integration has had some problems of late and I’d prefer to just pass the job over and not have to worry about it.
That being said, it is obvious how to turn off the input_boolean. But I need help with turning it on when the sensor first detects the motion. This blueprint has a “pre-action” section:
Is it as simple as adding that same concept in for the one shared in this thread?