OK @SpikeyGG , so I looked at how the built-in integrations are structured I did some reorganizing to give us a device under which all the sensors can live as entities. This will address getting your discreet entities while still having a single fetch of the data per device.
I’ve also defined the config_flow
so you can add and configure this integration in the GUI.
By storing the auth_token (in the client_api) on the device itself you should be able to take your control code and extend the FanEntity (or whatever you think is a good base) in a similar manner to the extensions I made to the SensorEntity.
Finally - just so there is no confusion, this is less tested, less stable and less complete then the simple sensor integration on the main branch. It is however more inline with how modern hass integrations are structured and if you have cycles to help fill out the remaining sensors and fan control (and whatever else blueair support through their API) that would be super. Feel free to send pull requests on github