Blueprint: Notify when Zigbee/Zwave/any battery device has gone offline

I’m not sure of this answers your question correctly, please let me know… I wasn’t happy that this Template retina the Sensors, and not the Device that contains the Sensor(s).

For example, if a Device contains multiple Sensors, I don’t want the multiple Sensors being reported as being offline, I just want the single Device to be reported, as that is cleaner and simpler.

I’ve written a new version of this blueprint that does this. Also tested it for ZHA and Z2M. Also wanted it to report offline switchs (smart plugs) as well as all battery devices.

I’m been testing it, it works great, I’ll post it soon after a little more testing.

Does that answer your question?

I am also one of those that are more interested in monitoring ZHA & ZWave mains powered devices as having one (or more) of those going offline causes a disruption in the force, errr mesh :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to get this Unavailable-unknown entities blueprint to report both ZHA & ZWave_JS devices that go unavailable but only seem to get one or the other.

Hi @itcsburnett & @DJBenson ,

I’ve just put up the new blueprint here for you.

I would appreciate if you can try it out, and let me know how it works for you.

Note: This should work for all battery devices, ZHA, Z2M, ZWave and all “Smart Plugs” (Switches) which as you know act as Wireless Repeaters.

This blueprint does not currently work for mains powered devices which are not “Switches”. For example, it would not work for a dedicated Zigbee repeater device that is not also a switch/smart plug. (I don’t have one of those to test with).

If you have any mains-powered devices that this blueprint doesn’t work for, I would be happy to collobarate and enhance it so it does work for your devices.

Let me know how this goes for you.


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Hi everyone,

I consider this blueprint deprecated, click here for an updated and improved version

There are a few differences. The main updated is only Devices will be reported, not Sensors. This makes more sense, because if one device has 5 sensors, you don’t need to know all 5 sensors are offline - you only need to know the device is offline.

Also the new version is confirmed working with Zigbee2Mqtt, ZHA, also works with your smartplugs - not only battery devices.


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