Flags should be used when using passive scanning. With active scanning, this is not required.
They first had active scanning in the Bluetooth integration as bluez was only supporting this. Later on, passive scanning was added in bluez and in the Bluetooth integration a little later.
I’ve been trying various methods to get sensor data from the ATC with custom firmware and set to BTHome mode and have noticed something that I’d like to understand.
I have a Bluetooth dongle on my HA machine as well as several Bluetooth Proxies, some with wired backhaul and some with wireless. I also have a BLE-to-MQTT gateway impemented with blerry scripts over Tasmota. Why is the BTHome integration 3-4 minutes slower reporting the humidity spike caused by turning my shower on than MQTT? (This behavior has been consistent over several days and makes it impossible to use BTHome integration for automation)