Bluetooth button (switch)

Which bluettoth button (something like this Wireless mini switches - Remote control light switch | Aqara but BT) works with home assistant without any issues over esphome bt proxy?

The aqara button is a ZigBee device so, not Bluetooth. I think you want a Bluetooth version of this.

I’m not aware of any Bluetooth buttons that work with HA but I could be wrong.


Try flic - Bluetooth ble smart buttons. There is an integration without hub Flic - Home Assistant and with hub Flic Hub SDK -> Web Hook (step by step)
I use them and they are awesome, worth their price.
They are also working on rotarty version called flic twist.


For hub-less integration it needs to have bt connection directly to home assistant, right?

小米有品 is this supported over bt proxy using xiaomi ble integration?

350ms seems reasonable compared to the buttons waiting for double clicks …