Bluetooth Integration Help

I recently bought a Bluetooth dongle for my computer so I could they out the Bluetooth integration. I am running Home Assistant OS in VMWare player on a Windows host. After adding the Bluetooth integration though, I get the following message:

Retrying setup: hci0 (00:E0:4C:84:B4:03): Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.InProgress] Operation already in progress

I have rebooted both the host and HAOS multiple ties and continue to receive the same message. Has anybody else seen this issue and been able to fix it?


Same happens to me in a Raspberry Pi 3 with native core installation.


Is there any kind of solution for it?

To update this, I was able to get it working with this post: USB-Bluetooth Passtrough VMware for Yale Access Bluetooth - Third party integrations - Home Assistant Community (