Bluetooth presence system

Hello, I have HAOS and I am trying to make bluetooth home presence, I have found
monitor script but I cant start it because there are no btmon and hcidump packages in HA, I have also tried addon version, but it doesnt work as well, have someone implemented this system to HA and how? Thanks in advance!

As I mentioned, I read it, I dont have separate platform I could run the script on, I have only HAOS, addon doesnt work…

One option is espresence Esp32 based Bluetooth trancievers

Another is room assistant Introduction | room-assistant (similar but pi instead of esp - unknown if it’s still being developed, last update on the site is 2022.)

You can use esp32 Bluetooth products xiws with Bermuda

Or you could roll your own automations and the iBeacon integration.

Theres plenty other options but these should get you started on what you’re looking for.

And yes these all should run on HAOS because they’re either HACS custom components or automations on existing tech or addons available in the addon store.

Hi @Borya

Depending on which devices you want to use for bluetooth home presence detection, you could also try our Theengs Gateway Add-on, with all devices auto-discovered as device trackers mentioned in the leading paragraph and marked as Device Tracker in the compatible devices list.

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My company has just launched a new beacon gateway product. I have not written up a room presence sample project yet, but it shouldn’t be too different from something like this:

A very simple solution is to use the BLE tracker integration.

I have a BLE tag on my keys and it detects them very well.

Yep, this is the easiest way if you just want to have home/not_home detection. If you want room-level detection that’s what Bermuda (and systems like espresence) aim to provide.